Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Ukrazy here.

So the third day we went down to the revolution in Ukraine in Independence Square. Part of the show we are shooting. 

This is just the subway under it. Know that feeling of fear you get when you know danger is near. Like your butt puckers up a little. That's how I felt when we walked up the other side of the stairs. There is video. Of which I don't have now. 

Barricades. Tires. Benches. Everything. 

This is real life. I just happened to be in the Ukraine at a time of civil unrest. 

(Me and Brian down at the site)

Keep in mind, This is down the Main Street. Like the Times Square of Kiev. 

From there we went to St Michaels church where Chuck was dubbed an angel. 

We all went to this mall called Ocean Plaza. It's a nice huge mall in the middle of Kiev. Really odd considering the surrounding area looks really poor. 

From there. We found alcohol. 

All. Vodka. 

Tuesday. Was a day of awesomeness. And craziness. First. We got to film introductions for Ben and Stina for Uncommom Rhythm. Then we went off to film a wonderful dance company called Virsky. You should YouTube Hopak dancing Virsky. They are incredible. 

It's a government funded dance company. 

From there we went to a place for lunch:

I had potato pancakes 

Yum. So good. Then from there we were heading back to the subway so we could head to the apartment. Only we found out that civil unrest down in Indepdence Square had reached a boiling point. Protestors and riot police were at it again. The subway system shut down. It's the top story on most news outlets now. It is crazy. Thousands of people were walking the street. Lucky for us, carrying 60 pounds of gear, we walked back

Got to see their stadium. Which was nice. Also the streets were jammed with cars. The walk back? Nearly 5 miles with 60 pounds of gear. 

Tensions are high. Unfortunately people are dead. But we as a group, we are ok and safe. 

This has been one hell of a trip in only 4 of 21 days. 

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