Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Dear Past Me,

It’s future Marcus from December 2010. Although I am breaking all sorts of rules, I feel the need to tell you about your 2010 calendar year that you are so eager to get to. I cannot tell you how or when these events do occur, just know they do. Have PATIENCE, something of which you lacked in 2009. 2010 will not be a rollercoaster like 2009 was, I can promise you that much. However…I cannot tell you everything, but read between the lines and follow my directions. Pay attention because I don’t have much time.

In 2010, the following will happen:
1. You will sell 3 of the 7 scripts you are currently working on. Although you have a chance at a fourth, you don’t take it. I can’t tell you why, but trust me, it’s worth it. You are cheating a bit because you have one of them in the works now…but don’t stop there because you can reach this goal, trust me, I have seen our bank account….
2. You have had that idea for that book for quite some time….yeah, well on or about March 3rd you finally start writing it. Trust me…finish writing it. You will be happy you did.
3. You take 2 trips out of the continental U.S. and on one of the trips…be careful and DO NOT sit on or near the rocks. Believe me and trust me when I say so….Oh yeah, Passport, get it now.
4. Your 1 year anniversary with your girlfriend, go with your gut…you know what I am talking about. She will appreciate it more than you know.
5. Take Jordan to Legoland, trust me….you will be glad you did. Wrestlemania, not so much….
6. You will quit your job, but do it more gracefully than I did.
7. Turn down the trip to Mexico. Don’t ask why, just turn it down.
8. Open the account that your Father told you to, and soon.
9. You do pay off the last little bit of debt that you have
10. Your 30th birthday, do not drink 2 of everything.
11. You go to the following NFL Games: Bears/Cowboys, Redskins/Cowboys, and Cowboys/Giants…do not under any circumstances go to Indianapolis (no matter how much you want to) or Philadelphia. Especially Philadelphia, they will try to stab you.
12. You make it to the one city you have been dying to get to…NYC
13. The Family Reunion in June, you need to be there.
14. You do somehow manage to finish 1 short film or music video per month
15. You need to call your grandmother more than once per week
16. Take January 22nd off of work.
17. You lose the last 9 pounds, and your doctor is happy and so are your knees.
18. Flag Football championship, be patient though….
19. Don’t forget to do the little things in your personal life and in your professional life
20. Always keep moving forward. Never ever give up…and do not allow yourself to quit under any circumstances. Failure breeds success, but you have to believe that and in yourself.

This is what I accomplished in 2010. However, I have to tell you this: NONE of this will work unless you make it happen. You can’t sit back and wait for the opportunity. Strike will the iron is hot. You have waited for the opportunity all of your life. For the last 15 years you’ve wondered what purpose you have in life or what you are supposed to be doing with your life…and this year, you find out. It is everything that you hoped it would be. But as I said before, you can only make it happen. No one else. Take every opportunity you have to put pen to paper. Do the little things…and the big things will take care of themselves. If all goes to plan, this will be you writing yourself this same note exactly 1 year from today. Read this note occasionally to remind yourself of the outcome of 2010. I wish you the best man, because the decisions you make today impact your future and it’s bright…


Future Marcus A. Stricklin December 30, 2010

P.S. – James Dean said it best…remember the quote

P.P.S. – if you do not quit your job gracefully…take lots of toilet paper…fyi.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Smiley Faces

Hello All,

Hope that you are all doing well, that your Thanksgiving was GREAT!!! Mine was good and life is good in general. Today’s blog is the recap blog …from January through December. Today’s blog title…is brought to you by Gnarls Barkley….a fitting song for the holiday’s….keep those smiling faces…. This blog…was pretty hard to write. I mean there was a lot this year and I can say I didn’t make it through this blog without shedding a tear. It has been a long year…a fun year, a sad year, a happy joyous year…so with that here goes.

C.S’ 10 Things I Think I Think

1. Jordan’s Christmas list is ridiculously long…but that’s what Christmas is for. We sat down the other night and wrote out his list to Santa and that is going in the “mail” today.

2. So still no word back on my script, it is now in the hands of 7 big time production companies, and three Hollywood literary agencies. So it is a waiting game. A very nervous waiting game. It is killing me…but that just means they like it or maybe there is a silent bidding war going on, or they will make an offer today, or tomorrow…or soon!!!! I hope!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! O.k. Rant over…
3. Finished moving and unpacking…for the most part. Jordan’s clothes are still in bins and my clothes…well they are staying in bins until I get a new dresser.
4. My last day of work this year is December 11th. I can’t wait….sick of this job

5. Nearly 6 months of being with the woman whom I believe to be absolutely perfect…Vanesa. By far the best time of my life, and wouldn’t trade it for the WORLD!…I love her.
6. So…remember how my DVD’s got stolen about a 1 ½ years ago…well…the collection has been nearly restored thanks to Ebay, friends, cheap sales, and some gifts….I have managed to get nearly all of them back. Thanks Vanesa for helping me organize them the other day…that took a long time!
7. It’s the most wonderful time of the year….only 21 more days until Christmas!!

8. I am excited about our trip to Washington D.C. Jordan is excited about going to see the monuments and the White House, but surprisingly more important he’s excited about going to the Football game with His Grandfather and Me.
9. Saints and Colts both are 11-0…what an NFL season!
10. Started a new story that I am pretty excited about…nearly halfway done writing the first draft.
Michael Real Moment
Mario doing what he loves in the outdoors....The best Mario Photo Ever...
Mario and Me sharing a beer. Our elementary school we didn't wear uniforms, our parents thought it was "cute" to dress us this way. Goggles sold seperately.
Jordan and Me on the day of Mario's Funeral...
The stolen cake featuring Me, Robin, Gabe, Carey, and Josh....the evidence.

Jordan's first time in snow...My parents evil Dog Petey....Charlie, Terin, Me, Melissa, (melissa's friend), Brianna, Darrin, and Jordan
Joe tossing Jordan high in the sky
Eugene And Josh at the D'Backs/Dodgers Game...
Jordan as the Mustard at a game
January: Started out as the best month of the year! Got to live my dream of directing a film…although that turned out to be an expensive lesson in failure. I met some absolutely wonderful people (including the woman I believe to be absolutely perfect). Had some good times filming and ultimately with that, I lost some of my so called “close” friends as well. What started out as a great month…quickly turned into the lousiest month of the year. My younger brother was shot and killed on January 23rd here in Phoenix. A piece of me died that day…as cliché as that sounds. As I have said before he was the closest thing to a twin that anyone could have. There are still some tough days with this, but for the most part, I think I am doing pretty well. I have a hard time going by the street where it happened…and I have to drive by that area nearly every day on the way to work. So with that a funeral ended this month. Along with seeing family and friends I hadn’t seen in quite some time…under crappy circumstances of course. Decided that some friends are definitely good friends and there are some friends that are selfish. But the good ones, outweigh the bad ones by far…and I have some really good friends.
February: Turned 29 on February 10th…last year in my twenties. No fanfare…nothing. Didn’t do anything for my birthday. I did go to L.A. and the great Cake Heist happened on February 7th. It was fun hanging with Josh, Gabe, Robin, and Carey. I finally returned to work after about 7 weeks or so of being off. And it was just as dumb/boring/mundane as I remember.
March: I went to Fairbanks! I got to see some of my absolute favorite friends in the world. Although we went for a memorial service that coincided with Mario’s birthday, it was a fun time in Fairbanks. Jordan got to be in snow for the first time ever and I remembered how depressing the snow actually was….damnit!! And it was cold, like -25 below cold. My friend Joe stayed with me in Phoenix for a few weeks...and that was a blast! Gourmet Chef cooking up some deliciousness all the time!
April – Was kinda boring. I remember staying in the house a lot. Not really doing much of anything or caring about much in the world...feeling lost and sad, and it affected a lot of other areas in my life. It was a boring month. Although I did go to a lot of Diamondbacks games and Jordan got to be the Mustard in the Hot Dog race in the 2nd game of the year! I did go to L.A. to visit Robin and just lounge around.

Eugene Sports thought of the Day
The wild sleeping Jordan....Jordan's Last Day....My leg in
My "Brilliant" ideas :)
A heart for Vanesa...At the NKOTB Concert....Jonathan Sanchez Perfect Game
Michael and Astra's Wedding...Our Hotel In Las Vegas....My New Car Altima S Coupe
May – Saw Jordan finish his first year of school…and he loved it. Had a poker game at my friend Kevin’s house with Eugene, Trashcan and a few others. I also discovered that I can’t sleep in the same bed as Jordan…as evidenced by the picture above.
June – Came up with the idea for Loon’s Adventures. It also was the month where Vanesa and I started dating and fell in love…for me it was the first time we kissed. Worked furiously on writing Loons’ Adventure for the better part of that month. Oh yeah…had my 5th surgery in just under a year on the same leg. They cleaned out some stuff and now…I am pain free in that leg. Also my car was stolen…and then recovered with all of the windows broken out. Yay for June!! Needless to say…Best Month EVER!!!!
July – Went to San Francisco, yes to a NKOTB Concert. Also got to see a no hitter pitched by Jonathan Sanchez of the San Francisco Giants. Came back and went to Las Vegas for my brother’s wedding. Oh yeah, Car was stolen…and never recovered.
August – Started off with a fabulous trip to Las Vegas, yes the 2nd time in 2 weeks, this time to celebrate Vanesa’s Birthday. Which was awesome. Not much else happened this month, it was pretty boring “Activity” wise after that. Oh a new car as well....

Rob Z Thought of The Day
Halloween Gangsta...Writing...Jordan as Storm Shadow
September – Jordan turned 6! WHOOOOO! It was awesome! We had a good time. Finished the first draft of Loons’ Adventures. Started casting out some short films.
October – Realized it was time to move…again. October was fun, Halloween Party to remember with some of my favorite people in the world! Spent a lot of time re-writing my script.
November – Well sent my script out, got several “I will read it” responses. Which is awesome!! I think that around the first of the year I will hopefully hear something. Jordan started soccer and went nuts on the competition. Moved to my new place, although as of today I am not fully unpacked.
December – So far, just a lot of rewriting and a lot of boring work. This month, I am taking off starting December 11th and that will be my last day in the office until January 5th. Got to love those long breaks! I started writing a book…and hope to be finish by the time I go back to work. Christmas of course and then we are heading to Washington D.C.

Rick Moment – Not sure what it is or why it happens, but when we play flag football it seems as if my teams always always always play good in the regular season and then in the playoffs…we suck ass. Happened again at the Turkey Bowl tournament this last weekend. We played good during the “round robin” portion and then imploded with drops and inconsistent play during the playoffs. Hard to imagine that we will win a championship or tournament any time in the future especially if that erratic play continues to happen. But 2010 is a new year….time to get some stick’em. And I quote “It looks like I just jacked off an elephant.” One of THE greatest/funniest lines…ever. Still makes me laugh everytime I watch The Replacements

Nag’s Happy Thought of the Day – It’s Friday…work week is complete…It’s December 1st…Close to Christmas…I guess that is happy enough! Have a beer or seven to celebrate the start of a great weekend! The hardest part of the week is over...can't wait to sleep in tomorrow!!!

Tracy Tad Bit O’Knowledge – Here’s some knowledge…there are only 20 shopping days until Christmas. If you haven’t started…probably a good time to start because these next few weeks are going to go by fast. So with that, Merry Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukah, and any other Holiday I am forgetting.
* not wish me a Happy Kwanzaa because I am black. I will find you and kick your ass. Yes I am talking to you Eugene, I know how your Pie Like mind works....and any other smart ass out there...

Chad/Nathan Douchebag of the week – Failure. That’s this week’s douchebag. I even wrote a note to him.
Dear Failure,

I’d like to take this time to tell you that you aren’t a friend, accomplice or anything I’d like to be associated with. Tell your friends…”Not going to happen” and “No chance in hell” and “Give up” that I want no part of their little fraternity. I have my own friends, “Dream Big” and “Where there’s a will, there’s a way” and “Dream On” and they all got my back. 2009 was a failure in many ways…but also a success in so many more ways. 2010 will be different and I expect you not to show your face around here or risk it getting the living pulp beat out of it. 2010 will be the greatest year that I have ever faced. So I am warning you now….
I would say good luck, but I wish you the worst of luck and I hate your face. Eat Sh*t and die a slow painful death. Oh and stay away from my friends as well...bitch.
Peace Biatch.
Marcus A. Stricklin
P.S. - You have been warned…
P.P.S. - I hate you
P.P.P.S – I think I am going to launch a preemptive strike and find you and kick your ass.

Nick Movie Reviews –

The Ugly Truth – Saw this movie…and it was actually really funny and good. I enjoyed every moment of it. Gerard Butler was really funny and spot on in this movie. While Katherine Heigl was very good as well. Not a big fan of hers, but the movie was really good. It’s not really a chick flick as most people would think, but more of just a truth about men and women. I give it 4.5 stars, and trust me…it’s worth a watch.

Trashcan's Texts From Last Night/FmyLife (moments of the day)

#1 - (206): i luv seein jocks study. its like watching monkeys masturbate.
#2 - (619): Microwave minutes are longer than normal minutes.

#1 - Today, I started growing hair on my upper lip. I'm finally becoming a man! Too bad I'm a 17 year old girl. FML
#2 - Today, I asked my mom if she could include mashed potatoes and gravy with dinner. She then went on to yell at me about my "unhealthy eating habits" and how I've "gained a lot of weight in the past few months". I'm pregnant. FML

Reel Spitt Song of the Week – I am going with a song by Terrence Howard entitled Sanctuary. Yes it is the same Terrence Howard that was nominated for an Oscar as an actor. This song is actually a very very good song in which he sings and displays a talent I didn’t know the man had.

But I guess after Hustle N’ Flow, I should’ve known the guy could sing. Either way check out the song. It’s pretty damn good.

Silas’ Random Facts

1. Pollen never deteriorates. It is one of the few naturally secreted substances that lasts indefinitely.
2. The paper used to make U.S. dollar bills is composed of linen and several types of cotton, including denim - which gives it its unique fabric-like feel and durability
3. Coin banks are commonly shaped like pigs because frugal people in the 18th century saved their money in earthenware jars made of dense orange clay known as pygg.
4. Murder is the only crime that does not increase during the full moon. Theft, disorderly conduct, larceny, armed robbery, assault and battery, illegal breaking and entering, and rape all statistically increase dramatically during the full moon
5. Tires under-inflated by as little as five pounds can rob a car owner of as much as half a gallon of gas out of every twenty.
6. Up until 1830, when a bar of soap was purchased, the grocer simply hacked off a chuck from a large block.
7. Technically speaking, World War II isn't over. There has never been a formal peace treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union.
8. The original American Express card was purple.
9. The United States Treasury Department maintains a fund known as "The Conscience Fund," which accepts money sent in anonymously by taxpayers who think they've cheated the government. The money is used for miscellaneous expenses
10. Lightning strikes the Earth 100 times every second, from the 1,800 thunderstorms in progress at any given moment.
11. Chuck Norris’ hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush..
12. Bonus Chuck Norris Fact: While urinating, Chuck Norris is easily capable of welding titanium.

Hulu Pick of the Day –It’s this quirky show called Cupid.It’s about this guy named Trevor Pierce who is a charmer and romantic who insists that he is Cupid. He claims that he has been sent to New York City by Zeus to bring 100 romantically challenged couples together before being allowed to return. But after this self-proclaimed deity of love is placed in the care of psychologist Dr. Claire Allen, he struggles to convince her of his true identity as he works to crack the modern code of love. Only time – or one hundred true matches – will tell. Well…only 7 matches occurred as it got cancelled…but it’s a good/funny show.

Hulu Count:
1253 videos watched
117 videos in queue.
Dondi Joke of the Day – Universal Laws…
1. Law of Mechanical Repair - After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch and you'll have to pee.
2. Law of Gravity - Any tool, nut, bolt, screw, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.
3. Law of Probability -The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act
4. Law of Random Numbers - If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal and someone always answers.
5. Law of the Alibi - If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the very next morning you will have a flat tire.
6. Variation Law - If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will always move faster than the one you are in now (works every time).
7. Law of the Bath - When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings.
8. Law of Close Encounters -The probability of meeting someone you know increases dramatically when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.
9. Law of the Result - When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will.
10. Law of Biomechanics - The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.
11.. Law of the Theater and Hockey Arena - At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle, always arrive last. They are the ones who will leave their seats several times to go for food, beer, or the toilet and who leave early before the end of the performance or the game is over. The folks in the aisle seats come early, never move once, have long gangly legs or big bellies, and stay to the bitter end of the performance. The aisle people also are very surly folk.
12. The Coffee Law - As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.
13. Murphy's Law of Lockers - If there are only two people in a locker room, they will have adjacent lockers.
14. Law of Physical Surfaces - The chances of an open-faced jelly sandwich landing face down on a floor, are directly correlated to the newness and cost of the carpet or rug.
15. Law of Logical Argument - Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.
16. Brown's Law of Physical Appearance - If the clothes fit, they're ugly.
17. Oliver's Law of Public Speaking - A closed mouth gathers no feet.
18. Wilson's Law of Commercial Marketing Strategy - As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it.
19. Doctors' Law - If you don't feel well, make an appointment to go to the doctor, by the time you get there you'll feel better. But don't make an appointment, and you'll stay sick.
Jordan Quote of the week – “Man this Christmas list is long. Santa better bring two sleighs for this”

Jordan said that to me upon finishing his Christmas list. My Response: "Damn..."
Yeah if Santa brings that much stuff, I better declare bankruptcy.

WOW Name of the Day (NEW, and will be done every week…boy do we already have a sweet ass list going…..) – La-ah…pronounced…La-DASH-UH. Yes the dash is part of the name and you have to say it. I heard the name from someone I talked to at work and she told me her name and I was like “How do you spell that?” And she told me how it was spelled. Most importantly she then told me how it was pronounced. If there was a picture for how my face looked at that moment…it probably would look something like this.

*Note, these names keep us in stitches. We laugh at least once or twice a day about them.

V Spanish Word of the Day –Today’s word: 'aburrido' - [ah-buh-REE-doh] English translation: boring

Phrase: My office is muy aburrido and I can’t wait to escape.

(Note* That is probably the wrong sentence and I am assuming that the very person of whom this blog topic is related to...will be sending me either an IM/TEXT/or Facebook message....and it will not be pleasant..hahahaha)

Marcus’ Coming Attractions

Today – Well I am in the office which I am not working…I am blogging, watching HULU and daydreaming about escaping my own personal hell…known as work.
Next Week – Last week in the office…Thank…God! Until next year of course. Although when my script sells, I am quitting my job.
December – Um…Christmas..duh! Lots of nothing. Writing and working on my short films, scripts and books. Heading to Washington D.C. with my dad and my son. Sleeping in pretty much every day from December 12th through January 5th. Also we are doing a private tour of Chase Field on December 20th, which I am pretty excited about.
January – Returning to work…blah…and returning to the blog world! And expecting the start of one phenomenal/rewarding/amazing/fantastic year! It will be a tough month, but I will make it through with a smile!
February - Marcus 2.9 is over...and the update to Marcus 3.0 will be complete.

The end - Of the blog is here! The end of the year blog…well this is it too. I have to say…this has been the most upside down turning year in all of the 29.10 years of my life. It has been a sad year, a joyous year, an unforgettable year, a defining year…a year in which I have grown tremendously. I’ve learned a lot this year, and done a lot. I am looking forward to 2010 as I believe it will be the best year of my life. I’ve said that before…yes, but this is different. I’ve always thought I was on the cusp of the “next level” but 2010 will see me reach that level in more ways than one. I am excited about it. Excited about the wonderful relationship that I have been blessed with my amazing girlfriend, the fantastic amazing son that I have been granted, the additional fun loving awesome child of my wonderful girlfriend, my parents, a clean bill of health this year, great friends that I have in my life…everything. I have been blessed with so many things that sometimes I lose sight of it and take it for granted. I wish you all a safe and wonderful Merry Christmas…a fantastically safe and awesome New Year. God willing, I am looking forward to talking to you all next year. Thanks for reading, keep smiling…and God Bless….