Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mr. Blue Sky

Hey All,

The month of February is upon us. Oh boy oh boy oh boy, I am 30 and I am excited about this. Actually excited is an understatement….I am freaking ecstatic. Most people I know freaked out about their 30's...I embrace it! Today’s blog title is brought to you by E.L.O (Electric Light Orchestra). This song is the theme song for my 30’s. It will be all blue skies in my 30’s and I for one am ready for those. This is one of those songs that if you hear it and can’t be in a good mood…you have serious issues,
if you've never listened to any of my song titled blog themes, this is one you should take a few minutes to listen to....seriously. So with that, here’s my 30th Birthday blog, the first for the next decade....

Ten Things I am looking forward to in my 30’s….
  1. Seeing Jordan grow into a respectful, courteous, and chivalrous young man.
  2. Hopefully getting married again and this time it lasting, I already know who I want….and she knows I want her.
  3. Possibly having at least 1 more child
  4. Winning an Oscar. Don’t laugh, it will happen.
  5. Quitting a boring office job and working for myself.
  6. Traveling the world one continent at a time
  7. Buying a house
  8. Trying to stay fit and in shape
  9. Enjoy life a little bit more than I did in my twenties
  10. Try not to make the same mistakes that I have done before. Learn and grow from them

Ten Things I would like to learn in my 30's

  1. Spanish
  2. How to dance. I possess limited dancing skills
  3. How to be a little more organized
  4. A new hobby
  5. How to enjoy the moment a little bit more
  6. To learn to face my fears...minus snakes as they will always be a fear, heights are o.k.
  7. To listen better
  8. To understand people a little bit better
  9. To appreciate what I have
  10. To become a much better writer
So I made it…to my thirties. If there ever was an age I was looking forward to, it was this one. So many people are not fortunate enough to make it this far, and I thank God that I am able to have made it this far. A lot of the problems in my twenties were brought on by me, I cannot blame anyone else for the things I have done. I take full responsibility for whatever happened to me in the last decade. This decade…I know it will be much different. I can only control things in my life and I need to try and make things better. There are things I want, and I know I have to work hard for them both personally and professionally. There is only one person I want, and I have her and I am going to do everything and then some to keep her. I have two little boys in my life and they too matter more than anything and I will do everything in my power that I can to keep them happy as well. Life will be better and I will do everything in my power to ensure that it is. Nothing will bring me down. Just…blue Skies from here on out, and if a cloud pops up from time to time, I have an umbrella and will still be looking to those blue skies.

I don’t consider it…getting older, I got better. Marcus 2.9 is gone and now upgrading to Marcus 3.0. Considerable upgrades here including: Better Dad 3.0, Better Boyfriend 3.0, Workslacker 3.0 Platinum Version, Writer 3.0, Thinker 3.0., Dorkiness/Nerd 3.0, Funny 3.0, Awesomeness 30.0 (no that isn't a typo). I am not sure that those upgrades can be purchased in stores, but I got them and they are awesome!

I finished writing my book, which I stated last blog, however, there is this word count that is killing me. I am currently at 20,000 words and finding that there isn’t much else to say. But I do know that most novels have a minimum word count of 50,000. That does not discount my novel into being purchased (there are currently two literary agencies wanting to read it) but I do need to add considerable words and chapters to this book. So I will be doing that in the next week or so.

For those that were there....my birthday party was a smashing success, and is by far THE best party i have ever had. Many thanks to Vanesa for throwing such a wonderful party!!! It was a night in which I really do not remember much. I got pretty drunk, which in itself is an understatement because Vanesa had to carry me up the stairs. Yes that drunk, and I apparently was chugging from the vodka bottle and not small swigs either. Pictures will soon arrive. Luckily I woke up with no hangover, just a slight headache. Way to end my 20's.....

What else is going on….hmmmm….not much. Off all week. Taking the day today to go and enjoy a nice Birthday, although most of it will be alone. Movie and whatever else I can think of today. Just want to enjoy this day my own way. Oh yeah…once everyone has posted their photos of my birthday party night…I am going to do a musical montage of that day.

TV Show of the week is John Doe. It was a show that aired on FOX and it only aired for one season, but it was actually pretty good. I loved watching all 21 episodes. You can check out the first and only season here.

Movie of the Week is actually the Hurt Locker. I watched this movie last week…and loved EVERY single minute of this movie. It might be THE best movie of the year. No offense to Avatar, but The Hurt Locker is just simply amazing (Note: Avatar is as well, I have seen both versions, regular and in 3D). I love war movies and this one is no exception, it might be THE defining movie of the last decade. Check it out, it’s awesome. Opening 10 minutes….spec-freaking-tacular.

Song of the week is Imma Be by the Black Eyed Peas. Another great song by one of my favorite groups. It pretty much also sums up how my 30’s are going to go…..

Name of the week is Anthonesia (Pronounced (An-toe-nee-sha). Just another “Great” name in a long list of great names. I really wish people would consider the humor factor when they choose their children’s name.

Drink of the day -

The coming days -
  • Wednesday – Well…I am 30 today, so I am hitting up Denny’s, the movies, Cold Stone, and the Keg Steakhouse for dinner. All of which give free stuff on your birthday. There are a few other places I am going to, but those are the main ones.

  • Thursday – I have no plans. I am off. Sleeping in and writing.

  • Friday – still no plans. Sleeping in for sure. Catching up on some shows via Hulu.

  • Saturday – No plans.

  • Sunday – Valentine’s day. OMG! I have waited for this day, I swear if I don’t give Vanesa her gift soon my head may explode. Plus I think we are going to our friend Sheena’s Valentine’s Day party.

  • Monday – Back to work. Awesome. And by Awesome...I mean damn.
The end of the blog is here. Time to move to the next level in life and the upgrade to 3.0 is complete. I am ready for it, been waiting for this for a few years. I hope you all have a great day! Thanks for reading, keep smiling, and God Bless.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Rain Drops keep falling on my head

Hey All,

The month of February is upon us. Which means, I am nearly 30, a number in which most people freak out, but....I am very anxious for that to happen. Today’s blog title is brought to you by Burt Bacarach as I think it sums up my twenties perfectly. So with that…the final blog of my 20’s….

Ten Things I liked and Disliked about my Twenties -

Liked about 20 – I got a new car. Which was pretty cool.
Disliked about being 20 – My brother Michael mysteriously moving into my apartment while I was in Seattle for a month, and then refusing to leave. Oh, and Alaska Air Flight 261, we all worked there…terrible.

Liked about 21 – Um…biggest party to date. Nearly 200 people showed up. Also went to Vegas and won nearly 5,000 on my birthday. Epic.
Disliked about 21 – 9/11. Terrible, tragic, sad.

Liked about 22 – USC. Best. School. Ever
Disliked about 22 – Living out of a suitcase, but even that was fun at times.

Liked about 23 – Having a child and getting married, and finishing USC
Disliked about 23 – Getting Married, yes both a like and dislike....

Liked about 24 – Getting into a much better department at work
Disliked about 24 – Enrolling at DeVry because my job said my Film Degree wasn’t sufficient enough for a “business”

Liked about 25 – Going to Hawaii
Disliked about 25 – Still being Married

Liked about 26 – Getting the biggest raise I have gotten to date…its was ginormous.
Disliked about 26 – Nothing.

Liked about 27 – Divorce was final
Disliked about 27 – Paying all of the bills on my own

Liked about 28 – Several Vegas Trips, and my 10 Year High School Reunion, beating Cancer twice
Disliked about 28 – Getting cancer twice, and getting my apartment robbed. Awesome.

LOVED about 29 – Met THE most amazing woman ever, this is not a joke.. Lived the dream of making a film.
Disliked about 29 – The death of my brother, and the fact that the film was never finished, due to some actors.

So my twenties to me….weren’t that great. Lots happened that were good, but I feel a lot happened that weren’t that great. If I had to really sum up my twenties…I would say I am glad to get it over with. I am fortunate to have made it to my 30’s (still a week away) because so many people are less fortunate to do so. I am excited to see what the next decade brings.

I finished writing my book. It took me just over 8 days, but it should top out around 112 pages in Word which will translate to about 150 pages in book format or so. I feel like James Patterson (dude writes a new book nearly every 2-3 weeks) To say it was difficult to write…understatement. It was needed though, I needed to get all of that out. In the process of typing it up now, which as I go, I am adding more and elaborating on it. Should be done typing it sometime this week or early next week.

What else is going on….hmmmm….lots of nothing. I am focusing on what I can do to make my life better and those that I care about. That’s really where my focus is right now. I refuse to allow my 30’s to be like my 20’s, so I am very focused on improving my quality of life. Nothing will stop me from reaching my goals right now.

TV Show of the week is LOST. Season 6 kicks off tonight, and many people are looking forward to it. You can catch up on the first 5 seasons here.

Movie of the Week is Up in the Air. George Clooney is such a wonderful actor. I love the guy. Too bad he is starting to look older, but he gives a good performance (as usual) in this film. Just one of the best actors of our generation.

Song of the week is Sexy Chick byDavid Guetta Featuring Akon. This song is everywhere lately and I am sure it will be playing Saturday when we are out and about for my 30th.

Name of the week is Tikeba. Because…we just can’t make this stuff up. Not sure how people come up with names, but they certainly are humorous to me.

The coming days include a busy 8 days…

Tuesday – Well, the pretend work day is here. So right now I am just blogging and catching up on other things…oh and looking for stuff for Saturday.
Wednesday – “Working at home” which means I am not working….most likely typing up my book
Thursday – In the office, back to pretend work. My dad comes to town for a few days
Friday – no plans, maybe a nice dinner with my girlfriend to start the weekend off
Saturday – Busy, busy, busy….start off with a flag football tournament, then a nap, then going out for my birthday. Of which I take no responsibility for the pictures it may produce as I am assuming I may be intoxicated before I arrive. Vanesa…we may need to hire someone to carry me up the stairs….
Sunday – SuperBowl Sunday...GO COLTS...more specifically Go Peyton Manning! Also, not sure where we are watching it. I actually really am just hoping I am coherent enough to experience it...after Saturday nights parties...
Monday – Off, going to enjoy a nice week of my 30th birthday, so I am not working at all.
Tuesday – Lil C’s 4th Birthday! Exciting! And another off day for me.
Wednesday the 10th – My actual birthday, a day full of doing nothing. Blog day as well and it is currently titled Mr. Blue Sky (the theme of my 30’s, and such a great great song) and will include many predictions for my 30's....

The end of the blog is here. It’s going to be a wonderful/awesome/amazing week. I am excited about the next phase/decade of my life. I am excited about where it’s headed. Hope you all have a great week, be safe…and God Bless.