Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Gone (Going)

Hello All,

I hope that each of you had a wonderful weekend full of fun and pure awesomeness! I had a great weekend! Today’s blog title is brought to you by the Black Eyed Peas Ft Jack Johnson as this pretty much describes my pattern for the next month….so with that…I will get to it.

Erika’s 10 Things I Think I Think

1. I guess I am learning that there is a big difference of loving somebody…and being in love with somebody. I love the latter actually…it’s a great feeling.

2. I think it’s sad that people have been putting out false reports of celebrity deaths in the last week since the Michael Jackson/Farrah Fawcett. Reportedly (none true) Jeff Goldblum, Harrison Ford, Brittany Spears, and George Clooney had all died. Contrary to popular belief…there were no deaths.
3. I actually finished and sent off my Disney Script this week. Apparently the deadline is tomorrow and I had just enough in the tank to bang out a 22 page script for the application. I got it all notarized and shipped off yesterday afternoon. They get a lot of applicants, so the chances of me getting in…about 1%. So in the honorable words of Lloyd Christmas…So you're telling me there's a chance... *YEAH!*
4. I think it’s really funny that a guy in my office building literally drives a monster truck to work EVERYDAY… and takes up 3 parking spaces like a supreme d-bag. And the best part…he got a flat tire the other day…talk about nuts. The lug nuts on that damn thing are as big as his head…so I am assuming he had to call a tow truck. I wonder how much those tires cost….First time I’ve ever seen a monster tire go flat….I thought it was nearly impossible.

5. Jordan saw the Jonas Brothers on Disney Channel the other day…and he turned it off. He said and I quote: “The biggest waste of my time…ever. If I could call them douchebags without getting in trouble...I would...” Couldn’t agree more...and he didn't get in trouble.
6. It is so hot here…that walking the 60 feet from my front door to my car is literally a sweaty workout. It is miserable here. Sadly I haven’t been in a pool in about 2 weeks…yeah that needs to change soon.
7. Guess I better pack for my trip this weekend which subsequently is for the week of July 7th also since I am only home for like 1.5 days next week. I hate packing…but I truly hate UNpacking more.

8. MTV has some of THE dumbest shows on T.V. This one called “Is she really going out with him?”It is probably the biggest unintentionally funny show ever. A guy literally says “Every gangsta needs a flatiron.” Really….really. These guys definitely live by the code of the chode….what douchebags. Note...MTV is no Longer music television, it should be renamed to: Miserable Television.
9. To the ones sending that horrible text around about Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett….there is something very wrong with you. PLUS in case you forgot…here is my REMINDER….I…HATE…FORWARDED…TEXT….MESSAGES…that is not an open invitation to send me one…I will reply with harsh words.
10. For those not watching…CBS has all of the Harper’s Island show available to watch. It is a great murder mystery type show. If you like that stuff….you’ll love that show. I love it…it is an interesting watch.

Rachael Real Moment – Change…is inevitable. We all go through it, it comes upon us when we least expect it…but often times when we need it. The question is…is it for worse or better at times? Only you can be the judge of your change. Sometimes you need to change your circle of friends, or patterns in your life, or habits. I am choosing to change small things. Nothing about my personality, but definitely my lifestyle and how I approach things on a daily basis. Gone is the naïve guy who bought into people and willing to lend a hand when they asked…only to not get that reciprocated. Gone is the guy who stupidly spends his paycheck on a DVD extravaganza. Now the guy that is coming is the guy who still cares, but kinda keeps some people at a distance. The guy who more than ever cherishes his friends and the good times we spend together. The guy who thinks 10 steps ahead instead of 1. The guy who has his dream within his sights, but needs to learn to aim a little better…I am really focused on the next 6-8 months of my life and how things fit and where it is headed to. I guess turning 30 next year (gulp) has given me a new perspective on things….

Eugene Sports thought of the Day – 2 notes here: 1. Madden Tournament on Sunday…for the ones that showed up…we had a blast. To the ones that did not…you missed steak, fun, and an exciting time. The round robin event (2 games) saw me win none of them. I went winless. I thought the way the day was going I would go winless in my own casa. Not the case. The minute I got to the Championship round (double elimination) My madden skills kicked in and I dominated the championships 3-0. Beatdown city. Madden Champion lives here.

Also of note. On NBA 2k9 is swear the Chicago Bulls (which JJ plays with all the time) must house the singlehandedly GREATEST collection of talented players (heed the sarcasm) ever. Derrick Rose…doesn’t miss. Ben Gordon, doesn’t miss a 3 pointer. Joakim Noah has been dubbed “The Cleaner” as he doesn’t miss a rebound and quietly gets 20 rebounds and 10 blocks per game. T2's (both Tyrus and Tim) either shot like madmen or rebound like tards. It sickens me. I hate the Bulls on 2k9 and the person that plays with them.

P.S. Euge, Hope you are feeling better man.

Pete Thought of The Day – I guess we all allegedly get 15 minutes of fame in our life right? What if you take those 15 minutes of fame and parlay them into some of the dumbest moments ever. Is your dignity and privacy really worth it...one must ask...Yes you Octomom, Jon and Kate, and well…Monica Lewinsky is still around lurking from time to time. I for one am sick of seeing the Octomom. She parlayed 14 kids into fame? I don’t get it. I just know that if OctoLoser gets a reality show…I am done with t.v. forever.

Mindy Moment – To Mindy, Brandon, Heather, Erika, MacKenzie, and many other people I will see while I am out of town in the next few weeks….my apology. I apologize in advance only because my cell phone and I are pretty attached at the fingertips when it comes to my girlfriend. You see I have come to be rather fond of my girlfriend and I will miss her a lot…so you may see me randomly texting her…OR calling her. Just a forewarning….

Julie Happy Thought of the Day – Probably won’t be blogging on Friday since I have so much to do before I depart for Seattle. Matter of fact…the next two weeks I will only blog once per week (Tuesday). So I am wishing you all a HAPPY and SAFE 4th of July. Please, Please please be safe…do not drink and drive, and be cautious on the road. This is the prime holiday for people to drink and drive.

Happy 233rd birthday you wonderful AWESOME Country of Ours

Tracy Tad Bit O’Knowledge – I know you all have heard it multiple times this week…but just a reminder…keep your loved ones close. Never ever miss an opportunity to tell them you love them. Don’t hold grudges and strive to achieve what you want in this life. I only say that because it is true. I often wish I had one more time to speak to my brother, and that is something I will never get the opportunity to do again. I try not to miss any opportunities to tell each of you how I feel…so I won’t…I love you all, you mean the world to me and your friendship is not only a gift…but a blessing. I am blessed to have each of you as my friend as you all give me joy and a newfound perspective on life each time we speak.

Misty Movie Reviews

Confessions of a Shopaholic – I saw this movie with my girlfriend the other day…and with these movies I am always skeptical…always. But I LOVE Isla Fisher….she is comedy gold in everything she does.
This movie…was hilarious from start to finish. I haven’t laughed at a chick flick like this in quite some time. It’s not really a chick flick guys it’s just pure and utter comedy.

So I give it 4.5 stars. It’s worth checking out.

JJ Song of the WeekNo one by Alicia Keys is the song this week. I love the piano melody of the song and the words if you listen to them are just as good. Plus the video is pretty neat. I’ve always liked Alicia Keys as she is very talented. Plus now I remember she was an awesome Assassin in Smokin’ Aces. Yeah her stock just went up!

Mary Random Facts
1. In Los Angeles, you cannot bathe two babies in the same tub at the same time.
2. In Hartford, Conn., you aren't allowed to cross a street while walking on your hands.
3. In Baltimore, it's illegal to throw bales of hay from a second-story window within the city limits. It's also illegal to take a lion to the movies.
4. The first motion picture copyrighted in the United States showed a man in the act of sneezing.
5. Balneology is the science of swimming pools. Balneologists study problems of heating, cleaning, maintenance, and construction.
6. James Ramsey invented a steam-driven motorboat in 1784. He ran it on the Potomac River, and the event was witnessed by George Washington.
7. In Breton, AL there is a law against riding down the street in a motorboat.
8. A Venetian law decrees that all gondolas must be painted black. The only exceptions are gondolas belonging to high public officials.
9. The name of the 'Love Boat' was the 'Pacific Princess'
10. The phrase "jet lag" was once called "boat lag", back before airplanes existed.
11. Chuck Norris Fact of the day – According to the Encyclopedia Brittanica, the Native American "Trail of Tears" has been redefined as anywhere that Chuck Norris walks.
12. Bonus Chuck Norris Fact: Chuck Norris was the fourth wise man, who gave baby Jesus the gift of beard, which he carried with him until he died. The other three wise men were enraged by the preference that Jesus showed to Chuck's gift, and arranged to have him written out of the bible. All three died soon after of mysterious roundhouse-kick related injuries.

Heather Joke of the Day - Workplace Insanity
  1. Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice.
  2. Find out where your boss shops and buy exactly the same outfits. Wear them one day after your boss does.This is especially effective if your boss is of a different gender than you.
  3. Make up nicknames for all your coworkers and refer to them only by these names. "That's a good point, Sparky." "No, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to disagree with you there, Cha-cha."
  4. Send e-mail to the rest of the company telling them exactly what you're doing. For example: "If anyone needs me, I'll be in the bathroom."
  5. Hi-Lite your shoes.Tell people you haven't lost them as much since you did this.
  6. While sitting at your desk, soak your fingers in Palmolive liquid.
  7. Call everyone Madge.
  8. Hang mosquito netting around your cubicle.When you emerge to get coffee or a printout or whatever, slap yourself randomly the whole way.
  9. Put a chair facing a printer.Sit there all day and tell people you're waiting for your document.
  10. Every time someone asks you to do something, anything, ask him or her if they want fries with that.
  11. Send e-mail back and forth to yourself engaging yourself in an intellectual debate.Forward the mail to a co-worker and ask her to settle the disagreement.
  12. Encourage your colleagues to join you in a little synchronized chair-dancing.
  13. Put your trash can on your desk. Label it "IN."
  14. Feign an unnatural and hysterical fear of staplers.
  15. Send e-mail messages saying there's free pizza or donuts or cake in the lunchroom. When people drift back to work complaining that they found none, lean back, pat your stomach and say, "Oh you've got to be faster than that."
  16. Put decaf in the coffee maker for three weeks.Once everyone has withdrawn from caffeine addiction, switch to espresso.

Hulu Pick of the Day – I just got hooked on Stargate SG-1 with Richard Dean Anderson! Holy crap MacGuyver! Also to note…in one of the first episodes they actually have a MacGuyver reference. I am about 6 episodes in…but it surprisingly is a good show. Worth a watch if you have 4 seasons worth of time to kill…

Video Links – (Powered By Break.Com and Youtube.Com and Hulu.Com)
Bruno On Conan Part 1 (5:05)
Bruno On Conan Part 2 (5:10)
Cheerleader Toss (:28)
Hidden bud light (:33)
Owned by MILK (:15)
Breaks on Power Transformer (:9)
Tweetboxx Episode 2 (2:23)
Ninja Scare Prank (1:04)

Jordan Quote of the week – More encouragement this week for my friends…
"Three grand essentials to happiness in life are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for." - Joseph Addison
Find your happiness….don’t wait for it to find you.

V Spanish Word of the Day –More from my lovely girlfriend.  So today's word…is not actually a word…but more of an observational bit of humor…

Pancho Villa- As in…V that girl in front of you has a moustache. V’s Reply: “We call that the Pancho Villa."

Duly Noted. For the record…for a girl…that moustache was pretty impressive.

Coming Attractions
Today – I am in the office today. I am working, but not really working. I am at home today with Jordan who will most likely be tired from swim day at Summer Camp, I learned I better feed and bathe him right away when he gets home. Writing, writing, and more writing today. I am almost done with the first draft of my latest writing. P.S. I want revenge JJ...blood money Biatch.
Wednesday – At home working. Watching Stargate and Lord knows what else. Most likely cleaning and getting ready for Friday. Maybe taking Jordan to see Ice Age 3.
Thursday – In the office. Long day of work ahead. I don’t leave the office until 3 and then I am not back in the office until Tuesday.
Friday– At home working. Packing, flying out at 1:30 headed to the Great Northwest of Seattle.
Saturday/Sunday/Monday – These days are up in the air. Not sure what my friends have planned. I am going with the flow. Going to be writing as well and enjoying cooler temperatures. Mental Note…don’t forget to pack a jacket. Monday flag football doubleheader and that’s about it.
Tuesday – In the office and somehow someway going to see my lovely girlfriend before I depart again on Wednesday. Note…this must happen. Oh yeah blogging as well.

The end –of the blog is here. I hope that each of you has a safe and awesome week and that your Holiday is a great one. I beg you to please be safe. Thank you so much for reading, keep smiling, I love you…God Bless.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Man in the Mirror

Hello All,

I hope that each of you had a wonderful week (relatively speaking)…Glad this week…is over. Today’s blog title is brought to you by Michael Jackson (from the Bad Album). This blog is dedicated to four of the biggest MJ fans that I know and four of the closest people in my life…V, JJ, Joel and Misty. So with that, I will jump into the blog.

Erika’s 10 Things I Think I Think – Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, and Ed McMahon Version

Michael’s 3
1. Thriller for me was one of THE best albums of all time…certainly the most CD’s ever sold (I think somewhere in the neighborhood of 65 million copies as of 2007).
2. I am reminded of a story of when I was a child…and yes there is video locked deep into the Stricklin Vault…and no you will NEVER see it. But there were 5 of us boys growing up…yeah you know where I am going…and we all performed ABC (my younger bro Mario was Michael Jackson) with me being the lesser known of the Brothers (Marlon) and we performed the ABC song in our basement….talk about memories.
3. For one guy to put out so many hits…is amazing. I mean name one star today that has THE star power that MJ had…no one. No one is close. He was a child star and a pop icon. He literally is THE face of pop and somehow after all the other pop stars fell off of the map during the Hip-Hop revolution…he stayed around and evolved.

Farrah’s 3
4. Simply Beautiful. No Joke. She was one of the women I first had a crush on when I was like 6.
5. Charlie’s Angels was one of the first tv shows I had a chance to watch…because they literally had the damn thing on repeat all the time (I guess you can throw in CHIPS as well). Of Course…Jill Munroe was one of my favorite characters. She was much prettier than the other two…by far.
6. I saw Cannonball Run (America’s Illegal Grand Prix) when I was 7 years old…and even though it was adult humor mostly (well 80’s adult humor), her role as Pamela Glover stood out along with Dom DeLuise, Roger Moore, Young Jackie Chan, Dean Martin, Burt Reynolds, and Sammy Davis Jr.

Ed McMahon's 3
Johnny Carson’s long time Sidekick…enough said. His nickname…The Human Laugh Track…unmatched.
8. Star Search…wow. One of the shows I used to sit down and watch all the time. He helped launch thousands of careers…no joke.
9. Had an unmistakable voice. One you can’t forget and if anything dominated many others. Plus…how can you forget the American Family Publishers sweepstakes. I used to think dude would be at my door as a kid…never happened though…

The ending…
10. One of my friends Curtis from a rival High School posted this little note… let today be a reminder to us ALL, it doesn’t matter ur iconic status in our materialistic society or the amount of money u have in this poverty stricken world...when its UR time, it’s YOUR time...Cherish the Journey...

Rachael Real Moment – I have a hard time wording what I am going to say…but death is a something that is inescapable. We all one day will die. This much I know for certain. I have seen death in my family, friends, co-workers…celebrities. The one thing I really despise is the negative talk about someone. I know death does not excuse what we have done on this Earth, but why do we feel the need to point out someone’s flaws after they have departed? I heard negativity about my brother (yes I dealt with that person and not nicely) and I have heard it about many other people. Glass house people. If you live in one…why are you throwing rocks at someone else’s? I say let the deceased rest in peace. We all have done things in our life that we are not proud of, or that has caused other’s pain…whether you know it or not. You wouldn’t want your flaws brought up when you pass on…don’t do it to others. I don’t know what will be said about me when I am gone, and I will never know…but I do hope that I am remembered more for the good that I have done in life than the bad. My glass house has broken panes in it and I know it…much like yours whether you admit it or not. This has been a strange 6 months and I have seen many a things that I thought I wouldn’t see in my lifetime…but they are here. There are events that make me reevaluate my life and where it’s going and this is that year and moment where reevaluation has come to an end point. We are not promised tomorrow, an hour from now, or 5 minutes from now…so treat others the way you want to be treated because life…is short. Love the ones you are with, cherish the memories, never settle for less than you are worth, and do what you want to do in this life…because when it’s over….it’s over.

Eugene Sports thought of the Day – The nightmare is complete. Bill Simmons wrote an incredible column detailing the demise of my favorite NBA team..the Clippers. I am a Clippers fan thanks to college. They used to GIVE away Clippers tickets and I would go and sit courtside or in the lower bowl (depending on the team). The Clippers were awful when I was at USC and we are terrible again (yes to warrant the #1 pick). So to see Blake Griffin go to the Clippers (even as a diehard fan, I was hoping he defected to Canada) I feel bad for the kid. My dad…the “Comedian” got me a Blake Griffin Jersey…with the note “Enjoy him for the next 3 years.” Awesome. Thanks FATHER! Yes we suck, but I will stick by my Clips.

Pete Thought of The Day – Amazing how news travels fast. I was at lunch with my girlfriend yesterday when my cell phone was BLOWING up with text messages from friends about the demise of Michael Jackson. I thought it was a joke, but the more text messages I got from different friends, I just figured…damn. I felt bad for my girl….she L-O-V-E-D Michael Jackson. And she fought hard to hold back tears. We all have our Icons, our “guy/girl” that we loved as a child and to this day. I guess in this day and age things happen instantly and we are all notified quickly. I loved MJ and I assume when one of MY guys goes...I will be just as distraught. Can’t imagine what we did 10 years ago…wait for the newspaper to arrive the next day? Go watch the nightly news? We have evolved as a society and news definitely travels fast…especially bad news….

Mindy Moment – I think I had a few moments over the last few months where I look at some of my friends and wonder…why the hell we are even friends. You really learn about your friends in a time where you need them…especially when you are or have always been there for them through all of the good and bad. I think about that often and have started to distance myself from a few of them. I don’t know if it’s just because I am growing up or if I just realized that some of them are just not good people. But I am grateful for the GOOD friends that I have in my life, the true ones. The ones that are there for you no matter what…good or bad. The other ones…well…I have no time for you in my life. Negativity breeds negative results….

Julie Happy Thought of the Day – Happy Friday everyone….Have a beer or two today or whatever it is you drink...

Tracy Tad Bit O’Knowledge – My friend Tracy said this “Thinks the loss of Michael Jackson is sad, but questions the emphasis we place on celebrities...”

I couldn’t agree more. We do live in an idolized society. Although in my lifetime do want to win an Oscar...I do not crave the fame and the celebrity. Just the ultimate prize of the industry I love. They can keep the fame that comes with it. I have never been a glory hound, nor do I wish to be. I prefer to remain behind the camera and out of the spotlight.

Misty Movie Reviews

Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen – Simply…Amazing. I have seen it a few times now and each time I have loved it. I don’t care what critics say (and boy have they said a lot…of negative) it is a finely crafted summer blockbuster. It picks up nearly where the last story left off but new twists, new robots, new plot, new characters and many many locations gives the story a much bigger platform than the original. It is worth a watch. I give it the 4 stars of Marcus. It is rather long though…comes in roughly at two hours forty minutes…for those that like to stay until the end credits…there is nothing at the very end…FYI.

JJ Song of the Week – I will do three. P.Y.T., Rock with you, and my favorite…Don’t Stop Til you get enough. The last one was immortalized for me in Rush Hour 2 when Chris Tucker knocked the little Asian dude off the stage that was “Destroying a Classic.” High…Comedy! But overall...all three songs are pretty damn amazing.

Mary Random Facts
1. There are 38 peaks in South America higher than Mt. McKinley, which is the highest point in North America.
2. 30% of us refuse to sit on a public toilet seat.
3. 4.2% of us always wash our hands after using the toilet. (This is unacceptable people, this number needs to be 100%!!!!)
4. It takes an average person fifteen to twenty minutes to walk once around the Pentagon.
5. Every minute 47 Bibles are sold or distributed throughout the world.
6. The Hula Hoop was the first major fad created and fueled by the new power in America - TV ads.
7. Seven percent of people steal rolls of toilet paper (hotels/motels)
8. More than sixty percent of people prefer that their toilet paper roll over the top, twenty nine percent from the bottom. The rest don't care.
9. The word with the longest definition in most dictionaries: set
10. The only English word with a triple letter: goddessship
11. Chuck Norris Fact of the day – Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird
12. Bonus Chuck Norris Fact: Chuck Norris can lead a horse to water and make it drink


Last Thursday Night Around Midnight, A Woman From Houston , Texas Was Arrested, Jailed, And Charged With ManslaughterFor Shooting A Man 6 Times In The Back As He Was Running Away With Her Purse.

The Following Monday Morning, The Woman Was Called In Front Of The Arraignment Judge, Sworn In, And Asked To Explain Her Actions.

The Woman Replied, "I Was Standing At The Corner Bus Stop For About 15 Minutes, Waiting For The Bus To Take Me Home After Work. I Am A Waitress At A Local Cafe... I Was There Alone, So I Had My Right Hand On My Pistol, That Was In My Purse, That Was Hung Over My Left Shoulder.

All Of A Sudden I Was Being Spun Around Hard To My Left. As I Caught My Balance, I Saw A Man Running Away From Me With My Purse. I Looked Down At My Right Hand And I Saw That My Fingers Were Wrapped Tightly Around My Pistol. The Next Thing I Remember Is Saying Out Loud," No Way Punk! Your Not Stealing My Pay Check And Tips."

I Raised My Right Hand, Pointed My Pistol At The Man Running Away From Me With My Purse, And Squeezed The Trigger Of My Pistol 6 Times! When Asked By The Arraignment Judge, "Why Did You Shoot The Man 6 Times? The Woman Replied Under Oath, "Because, When I Pulled The Trigger Of My Pistol The 7th Time, It Only Went Click."

The Woman Was Acquitted Of All Charges. And She Was Back At Work, At The Cafe, The Next Day!
Hulu Pick of the Day– I can’t lie…I loved the damn show as a kid…and sometime over the weekend I will sit at my desk and write…and watch The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie. No joke. I used to come home from school every day and watch this show. Don’t think I missed an episode. Enjoy some mid 90's cheesiness....

Video Links – (Powered By Break.Com and Youtube.Com and today Hulu.Com)
Homer Gets Hired – (1:08)
Tiger Wood on Jimmy Fallon (7:10)
Thriller (13:41)
"Press Hop" featuring A. Iverson (Steve Porter remix) featuring Mora, Green, Namath, Gundy & T O (4:17)
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker-Part 1 (for you V…they do have other formats than VHS) (7:11)
Love those Rednecks… (2:50)
Basketball trick shots (2:55) A-M-A-Z-I-N-G
TweetBoxx Episode 1 (2:17) Hilarious! Twitter tweets made fun of! JJ you will enjoy this…especially about Soulja Boy…

Jordan Quote of the week
“If you hear a voice within you saying…”You are not a painter,” then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” – Vincent Van Gogh

Listen to the words you all…believe in yourself and achieve what you want to achieve. Time stands still for no man…always keep moving forward…

V Spanish Word of the Day – The one thing I need to get used to…is that sometimes my beautiful girlfriend uses random one off Spanish words in a sentence when we are talking and it throws me for a loop. So today’s word…

Mocos- which literally translates to booger. As in Marcus…you have a moco in your nose. And I am like…what?

I guess I need to learn Spanish…

Coming Attractions
Today – Friday in the office. Fun stuff. The day is off to a smashing start considering for me it’s nearly half over. Going to meet my friend Joel for lunch to plan a series of music videos and then at home. I believe either tonight or tomorrow is date night for me and my girl. Not sure which night yet…but we are definitely having that night.
Saturday – Not sure yet. Not really much going on. Probably writing. I am on a self imposed deadline to finish a few things before my summer travel kicks off next Friday.
Sunday – Week of J-J-J-Jordan starts! Exciting. Football practice in the morning…football Madden tournament at my place in the afternoon with beers and steaks. Ought to be fun.
Monday – At home working. Might go in though…not sure yet.
Tuesday – Blogging for sure. In the office, hanging with Jordan for sure.

The end –of the blog is here. I hope that you all have a safe and awesome weekend. I appreciate you taking the time to read my thoughts. Have a great day, may it go by quick! Thanks for reading, keep smiling, I love you, and God Bless...