Monday, November 29, 2010

King of Anything

Hey All,

I needed to blog, so for me that makes two in the last few weeks. I’ve apparently got the blog bug again. This week’s blog title is brought to you by Sara Bareilles. Love this song. Love her. She is a very talented artist and most of her songs are catchy. This is one of them. Plus this is a very well done video. Always a fan of great video’s. So with that, here goes the blog...

So whenever I have surgery (September 13th this year) related to my cancer treatment from two years ago, it’s sort of mandatory that I have to do therapy sessions since it is related to that. Great. I have no problem with that as I seem to learn a lot. This week’s 10 things are what my therapist thinks. One from each session I had to attend with the last session being the day before Thanksgiving. And I love my therapist, she’s actually pretty funny.

Ten Things My therapist thinks. My opinion in italics.

  1. Apparently I am retardedly optimistic about everything. I see the positive in everything and apparently that can be detrimental to our health, especially when we never expect bad things to happen. My unprofessional opinion is…she’s wrong. I see the silver lining in everything, even when there seems to be no hope at all. Um…for the record as I told her…I’m here as a result of something “bad” happening, and I lived thru it. OPTIMISM at its finest.

  2. I use humor as a defense mechanism. Fact. I can’t help it. I think that it’s better to laugh than to fight.
  3. Apparently I don’t get angry as most people do. That is a problem as well according to her. Um…yeah this is true. I don’t see the point in being angry. It’s a waste of time. See number 2.
  4. I should be more confident in every aspect of my life. Yeah…she’s right. Apparently confidence is sexy or something like that.
  5. I have the imagination of a 12 year old and that it is overactive. A little too overactive for a man my age. I wasn’t even offended. I took this as a compliment. She said it wasn’t meant to be a compliment. Again…I laughed. It’s still funny as I type this. This might be the coolest compliment I’ve ever received. Ever. Not even a joke!
  6. That I don’t take enough risks. I have taken a lot of risks. It seems that when I do I get burned. But 2011 different year for sure, I assured her of that. Might be the most important year of my life.
  7. That I’m too trusting. Um…yes and no. I do trust people and get burned more often times than not. I can’t change who I am.
  8. That I’m a dreamer. A big dreamer and maybe I should try to live in the real world. I’m a dreamer. However, should I just settle for ordinary and accept what life has given me. No. Instead I choose to dream and work towards them. Besides…the real world sucks from time to time.
  9. That I’m too competitive. Um…guilty. I am competitive enough to fight people, or yell at friends over video games…it’s an epidemic.
  10. That for a middle child, I don’t fit the perfectionist mold, yet I strive for it. I know that perfection can never be achieved, but who says I can’t work toward it. I want to be perfect in some areas of my life especially my writing and being a parent, and making the best of each and every day.

December to Remember – I spend most of my time writing, watching TV and thinking. I think a lot. Like a lot a lot. I workout, spend time with Jordan and I repeat this cycle over and over. December is going to be different. Like really different. I don’t know why but I can feel it. I think for the most part it has to do with some decisions I am making.

  1. Goodbye Television - Any of you that know me knows that I watch TV a lot. In the office, at home, at the gym. All of it. I now look at it as a major hindrance to doing what I need to accomplish. So December 1st off with the TV.
    1. Side note: This will not apply to football. I have to be able to watch football. Rest of it…off. Will not watch anything else that’s for sure.
    2. This may kill me.
    3. I have to do this in order to move forward.
  2. Out of the house more – I refuse to be a recluse as I have been. I’ve spent a considerable amount of time with my couch, and I need to get out and see the world.
  3. Finishing the two scripts I’ve been working on before December 31st. Get those out of the way.
  4. Aiming to hit the gym 27 of the 31 days of the month with the exception of the Holidays.

I can do this.

Goodbye – It’s never easy to say goodbye to a person, place, thing, dream, or something you hold dear. In fact it is probably the hardest thing any of us have to do. So I’ll say this in short…In the time that I had I enjoyed every moment. It was by far one of the greatest periods of time in my life. I will always be grateful for the time, the fun, and the memories. My life is better for the experiences and I’ll never forget how my life was enriched. God Bless, you’ll be in my prayers.

TV Show of the weekCommunity. One of the best show’s you're probably not watching. Humor in every show. I mean at least 5 or 6 truly laugh out loud moments. In two seasons they’ve had some truly memorable shows. Three of my favorites:

  1. Season 1, Episode 23: Modern Warfare – for One reason, they took a paintball episode and turned it into one of the BEST episodes of television anywhere. I dare you to watch this episode and not laugh out loud. Truly great television.
  2. Season 2, Episode 6: Epidemiology Another great episode of TV. Since vampires are all the rage, they went the zombie route and made a truly phenomenal episode of zombies. Loved every minute of this one. Truly epic.
  3. Season 2, Episode 9: Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design if you’ve ever been an imaginative kid you know that building forts is the best thing ever. But they took it to an entirely new level and made it school wide. As you can see in this clip…sometimes you only get three farting strikes. See the whole episode here.

Side note: They are doing a claymation episode this week. AMAZING. I'll have to watch it in January. Stupid self imposed TV ban...

Movie of the Week - I love animation. I mean it is just simply amazing. Sometimes you just sit back and enjoy a great movie. Tangled is that rare Disney movie that really makes you laugh out loud hard. I know Disney is known for animation but lately Disney hasn’t been banging out too many hits (Dreamworks and Pixar and Fox Animation Studios have all had the bigger hits lately) but trust me…if you want to see a truly funny/great/well cast movie. Check out Tangled. You will not be disappointed. Loved every minute of it.

The end of the blog is here. Always good to clear out the brain. I hope that you all had a great/fantastic/awesome Thanksgiving holiday. It’s my favorite holiday and it did not disappoint as usual. I hope that you all have a wonderful week. Thanks for reading, and God Bless.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lost One...

Hey All,

Wow…it’s been nearly 10 months since I last blogged, for me that is a LONG Time a really long time. Of course things don’t always go as planned, but that’s the way life is I suppose. So with that, here is the return of the blog….Today’s blog title is brought to you by Jay-Z ft Chrisette Michele. You lose some, you win some...Story of a Champion.

Ten Things I’m pretty sure I think…

  1. For all my Alaska Airlines friends, we lost a great man in Lamont Sims. He was one of the best people I had ever had the privilege of knowing. His laugh, his willingness to help people whenever/wherever. Just a kind gentle man. For a man with such a big heart, it sucks that his gave out too soon…It was great to see all of you a few weeks ago, just sucks it had to be under such dire circumstances. Seems too many people that I know have passed away in the last few years. Sad Indeed.
  2. If you want to move forward in life, sometimes you have to let the past go in order to make positive steps forward. Regardless of what the past is, sometimes it hinders you from doing what you need to do.
  3. Been spending a lot of time writing lately. I have a new TV pilot I want to shoot, actually 3 new pilots. I have the first episode of each complete and am currently thinking about casting options and trying to secure the means to shoot/edit all three soon. Now in intense rewriting phase. I think I can shoot one pilot each month starting January.
  4. Been a recluse lately. Work. Home. Gym. Work. Home. Gym. Work. Home. Gym. Not much else besides that. Such an exciting life.
  5. Dallas. Cowboys. = Huge Disappointment. Not sure how you go from “Alleged” Super Bowl Contender to lackluster 1-6 season. The only D in Dallas now stands for Defeated or Done, or Dumbasses.
  6. Not sure why it took me so long to discover it, but Netflix is one of the best things ever. Seriously. Logged a lot of hours watching shows and stuff. Been a revelation to discover how awesome it is.
  7. I truly believe they will find a cure for the common cold before they ever find one for a broken heart. And that necessarily doesn’t have to do with love or relationships either.
  8. Still not sure what God has planned for my life, but I’m still waiting. Seems that I’m just in a holding pattern right now. I am happy, and that’s all anyone can really ask for.
  9. If I never had an appreciation for the gym, I definitely do now. I love going to the gym and getting a good workout in. Results are starting to show a bit, pretty happy about that.
  10. Can’t believe its November…damn this year has flown by fast. Almost too fast.

Goals – Won’t be setting any this next year. It seems that when I make a bunch of them, I flame spectacularly. I had a chance to review the ones I set for myself earlier this year and as of today, none have really been accomplished. So this next year is an experiment. If I don’t set any goals, I won’t be disappointed by the outcome at the end of the year if not one of them have yet to be achieved. That doesn’t mean I’m turning into cynical pessimistic guy, but more like realistic, nose to the grind stone, serious optimistic guy. A new approach, but sometimes you have to make changes in your life and in yourself to move forward. Time to move forward. Big Time…in so many areas of my life.

The Block of the Writer – Or commonly referred to as Writer’s Block. Recently went through the second longest stretch of it (13 Days without writing, longest is 27) and to snap out of it (of course I had to with 2 feature movies to finish and 3 TV pilots to rewrite) I just stopped thinking about it. Of course my apartment is now spotless from cleaning nearly every nook and cranny. But it sucks! I mean it literally sucks to not be able to write when that’s my primary focus. Thirteen Days (Don’t ask why, but this movie always seems to snap me out of it)…you’ve saved me yet again. And the inspiration to write has returned…and I desperately needed to be inspired.

One of My Next Projects – is one I’m pretty excited about. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to host SNL and someday that may come true, but until then, I am going to produce/direct/write/ and even have a starring role is called “Short Order.” It’s a half hour sketch comedy show much like “In Living Color.” (1, 2, 3, 4) I have written about 75 sketches, all original or spoofs of current things. I figure the pilot will probably have about 8-10 sketches which means I will shoot anywhere from 12-15 sketches. Pretty excited about this one. There are some sketches that are pretty edgy but funny, some that are racial, some that probably will offend…but the purpose is to make people laugh and there are some really funny ones. Stay tuned.

Time Off – Down to that time of the year again where I haven’t nearly taken enough days off and am being forced to take a lot of time off at once. So starting December 17th I won’t work from that day on until January 4th. Still carrying over 5 unused days off to next year. I should stop bunching them up….wait…no I shouldn’t it’s pretty awesome to have that much time off at once.

TV Show of the week
– Guess who’s back! THE Human Target is back! YES! If you haven’t seen this show, Hulu has a few episodes up, and I have to admit…I’m biased, but this show is pretty good. It’s about a spy that is adaptable to any situation. As a spy should be, but Mark Valley stars as Christopher Chance. Chi McBride and Jackie Earle Haley also star. Premieres November 17th only on Fox, and Hulu, and any other bootleg sites. Also…for a phenomenal show from AMC (who seems to keep banging them out (Mad Men) check out The Walking Dead. Hulu has the premiere episode and this show is awesome. I mean it. (Only Available until November 23rd)

Movie of the Week - Megamind. Haven’t seen it? Probably should. Might be one of the funniest animated movies to premiere in quite some time. I laughed a lot. The kids should enjoy it and if you don’t have kids, well you’ll enjoy it as well. If not….Due Date is an equally funnier alternative as well. For all of you Harry Potter enthusiasts, be sure to check out Deathly Hallows PT 1 this weekend. Looks like Harry Potter is going out with a bang. (giggity).

The end of the blog is here. Been a while since I wrote one, kind of feels good to clear the ol cranium. Sometimes when I’m writing a lot, my brain gets jumbled and I’ve been needing to empty it out for a while. Probably why I had the aforementioned writer’s block! Hope you all have a great day! Thanks for reading, keep smiling, and God Bless.