Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Future, The Tent, and the Job Story


So today was interesting. 

The Future

I had a conversation with an agent I met in France who loved my directing reel, and is with a named agency. I will soon have an agent. That's pretty awesome. But he was trying to persuade me (for an hour) to ditch the short film world and move to features. Well...

I turned him down. 

Why? Why you say?

it's simple. I don't think I'm ready. I am being honest. Know how much work goes into making a short film? A lot. So take that, triple that by 700 and that's work on a feature film. I personally think I need one, or two short films to really be prepared to make the leap to feature film making. So...

The Tent

Changed the ending and added a new person to our super small cast, Madeline Kretchman. She read the revised script, and loved it. So she's in. Still looking for a dad. Mid 30's, blonde/brunette. Good looking, because let's face it, the rest of the cast is pretty damn good looking.

I'll be scouting some profiles later. Thinking about crowdfunding the movie. still weighing options actually. Anything could help.

Also need to make an appointment to meet up with Alexander Miller. Have you seen his demo reel? Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

The Job Story

I was let go from my job officially a week before I left for France. Why? Still beats me. But what was told to me was that I "Blogged negatively about the company" and when I asked for proof, nothing was given and I was subsequently let go. The end.

Seriously, that's what happened exactly. Now I'm actively looking for a job, if anyone has one or knows of any. I would rather not do banking, but anything works at this point.

Hope your Memorial Day was great/safe/fun filled/ family filled. I hate hearing about drunken driving stories, but I am glad that none of you were involved in them. Have a great great awesome, super spectacular week!

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