Friday, July 12, 2013

Movies, Jobs, and Shishkabobs

It's been a few weeks since I've written any blogs! Wow.
  1. Been a crazy Summer so far. I've done a lot. Still jobless! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. But I've been writing, editing, learning, applying for jobs, laughing, more laughing, and dance fighting my shadow.
  2. But I've spent an insane amount of awesome time with Jordan. Like the best time. I can't wait until Sunday when he gets back here.
  3. Started Book 2 of my series. That has been great. Still waiting on an actual publication date for book 1. I think it's going to be 2015 now. Ugh.
  4. The scripts I had requested in France (3) have all been written. The feature film version of the Tent is still my favorite. The locations below have all been written into the movie. Three feature films in 60 days.
    Tanah Lot, Bali

    Hamilton Pool, Texas

    Tulip Fields, Netherlands

    Wisteria Flower Tunnel, Japan

    Palawan Island, Philippines
  5. Speaking of The Tent, I am so excited to shoot the short film. We have such a great little cast and crew working with us. I need to focus on the Poster, the shots. Thank you Shelly B, you are fantastic. It's going to be visually wonderful to accompany what I think is a great story. I think we did A-Ok with the Last Dance, but every time you step behind the camera, or in front of it as an actor/ want to exceed what you did previously. Learn from it, build on it. That's this movie. A bigger challenge with an insane amount of locations in both Arizona and California. It's the challenge of putting it all together and keeping it at a 15 minute time limit. Sundance deadline is August 26th. We will make that deadline.
  6. Still trying to put a screening together for all of our work in August. We just need a date.
  7. Can't wait to go to Alaska in August. Been nearly 5 years since I went home...
  8. If you watch one show this fall, watch this One. Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
  9. Is it football season yet! I'm ready for the Cowboys to let me down like they always do. Speaking of, I already picked this years Super Bowl winner, but you have to wait until August to see who it is. Let's eliminate the following: Browns, Cowboys, Bears, Saints, Lions, Rams, Eagles, Cardinals, and Titans.
  10. Watched all 9 seasons of the series Scrubs for the first time. At the end of Season 8, this is that moment that made me realize:
  • it's a great show
  • I want a wife/girlfriend like that
  • I'm a lot like Turk
  • I want a brolove like J.D. and Turk
  • This is the greatest moment of this show. If you don't shed a tear, you're a monster. You don't even have to watch the show to realize how great this moment is in TV history
  • Whatever, I teared up during this montage. 
  • Who wants to be my J.D.?
Hope your Summer is going fantastic so far!

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