Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Cannes day 5, the last and laziest one

So today, for the first time since I got here, no meetings, conferences, or anything else. So I slept in until 10. More like laid there and let my body rest. 

Got up and made it to the Palais, and was given a ticket to a screening of Le Passé. Since that was a competition screening, I got to walk the red carpet. Not fancy wear, but I was dressed nice enough. I didn't get to take photos. Was enjoying the moment. 

So that was a great movie. Again, learning so much. My next effort behind the camera will draw from all of the new Influences when we come up with a shooting plan soon. Plus time limits and knowing what to keep and what to cut or how to condense the story and still have it make sense (much like I'm going to do for the Last Dance).

I went to some screenings of short films on the SFC and I walk away impressed every time. Some of them are just fantastic. I'm still relatively new, and I just soaking it all up. 

Films that impressed me today:

Both really good. I love standing by the big board as directors put up new fliers and talking to them. Promising that I will in fact watch their film and email them. I must've gathered another 100 to 200 business cards and fliers just in the 3 hours I was in the Palais. 

I got a few souvenirs for Jordan, Damien, Destiny, and Demitria (Jordan's mom) and I was bummed that the scarf I wanted (Cannes scarf) was all out. I'll look on ebay. I don't really need souvenirs though. My brain is full of memories and friends. 

Finally I walked to the train station, past my favorite Cannes spot one last time. 

A few Filmmakers (i am totally bad with names) who I recognized, bought me shots and we laughed and I walked to the train station. I ran into a guy from Syria who had just been pickpocketed, police report in hand, and gave him the last euros I had so he could get back to Paris. Nice guy. Feel really bad for him. 

So that's the end. Here's a recap of the trip:

1. Be nice to people. You never know who you're going to meet. 

2. Dress nice. 

3. Chuck Norris is a camera hog. 

4. Be confident in your work. 

5. French women, oh la la. Same for Italian women. Yes. 

6. Sandy thinks I'm going to marry a New Zealander. Totally would. They are hot. I like Italian too. 

7. I have to work smarter, not harder. Planning is essential, but it makes more sense when you have a definitive plan. Once the script is set, like The Tent, let it be, no more suggestions. Be confident. 

8. The War - will continue. We have a plan. Editing is underway. 

9. We want to hold another big screening in August. Both episodes of the War (and a prequel) What Actually Happens, hopefully the Tent and some of our other companies we've worked with (Missing Link) will screen their work as well.

10. I have 6 film treatments to prep and send and talk about the next step in my career, as well as talk to an agent that liked my work. 

11. Cannes was amazing. I know what direction I want to move in next with my career. One or two more short films and then features. The Tent is next, and I had an idea for another while I was in Cannes. A black/white short film, but with an adult. Haha I do a lot of kid productions. 

12. Move Future Legend Productions, into the Future. 

13. Definitely blog more. 

14. Find a girlfriend. Traveling alone is kind of boring. 

15. Love what I'm doing and be content with life. Work hard and stay the course. I'm on the right path. 

16. No more editing or doing cinematography on my own projects. I think a fresh, none biased eye will make a difference. 

17. Fair la biez is my favorite French greeting. The two kiss on the cheek. 

18. Learn French, Spanish, and Italian in the next year. Also make Jordan learn as well since he wants to come to Paris next year as well.  

19. This train station at Paris De Lyon, is the most beautiful train station I've ever seen:

Thanks for being a part of the journey. I 
Hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed it and writing about it. 
I'm headed back to the U.S. now. 

This bag has seen some miles in the last 13 years. May be time to trade it in. 

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