Spain was amazing. Watching the cast learn the flamenco was fantastic. Their performance blew me away. As the show progresses they will get better.
We got to Vienna Thursday.
We are in Vienna to learn the waltz. I am attending a formal ball on Monday night. Tux. With tails. White tie. Carriages. Etc. At this place.
I mean of all the places we have been, I have to say Austria is my favorite. It is ridiculously beautiful here. If I had to rank the beauty of the women of the three places I've stayed:
1. Kiev.
2. Spain.
3. Vienna.
That's not a joke. The Kiev women are absolutely stunning.
Chuck has had a blast. I need to update his Chuck Travels page. I mean. He has been around the world in the last year. He's almost one now. And it's going to be great the rest of the year.
Other things:
-If you chew with your mouth open, I hate you.
-I miss Phoenix. Can't wait to be home.
- Chasing the Sunset, please help me get to London! We need votes starting Tuesday!
- I get back Tuesday night, I'll be taking a lot of days off. To catch up on tv.
- already planning the next trip with this group.
Feel free to bring me home cake.