Sunday, March 2, 2014

Spain and Vienna!

Whoa it's been a while! Ok so lots going on. 

Spain was amazing. Watching the cast learn the flamenco was fantastic. Their performance blew me away. As the show progresses they will get better. 

The food in Spain. Amazing I have probably gained a decent 6 pounds on this trip. 

Future trips I must eat better. I have eaten everything in sight. 

We got to Vienna Thursday.

Guys. They have a place called Wiener Gold. I'm 12. I have laughed about that since we landed. 

We are in Vienna to learn the waltz. I am attending a formal ball on Monday night. Tux. With tails. White tie. Carriages. Etc. At this place. 

I mean of all the places we have been, I have to say Austria is my favorite. It is ridiculously beautiful here. If I had to rank the beauty of the women of the three places I've stayed:

1. Kiev. 
2. Spain. 
3. Vienna. 

That's not a joke. The Kiev women are absolutely stunning. 

I shaved while I've been here. No more beard. 

The bohemian pancakes at hotel Sacher, a must try. If you ever visit. 

Chuck has had a blast. I need to update his Chuck Travels page. I mean. He has been around the world in the last year. He's almost one now. And it's going to be great the rest of the year. 

Other things:

-If you chew with your mouth open, I hate you. 

-I miss Phoenix. Can't wait to be home. 

- Chasing the Sunset, please help me get to London! We need votes starting Tuesday!

- I get back Tuesday night, I'll be taking a lot of days off. To catch up on tv. 

-  already planning the next trip with this group. 

Hope you all are doing great! 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The end of Kiev (Day 7), and onto Barcelona (Day 1)

Friday marked the virtual end of our long stay in Kiev. Lots of stuff was accomplished here in a short of amount of time. Our show, Uncommon Rhythm shot about 20 hours worth of footage. For my short film, The Assignment, we shot about an hour worth of footage.

Friday was fun. We went back up to St. Andrews, and took photos. Brian was able to get souvenirs. I purchased some as well for Jordan and his mom. Also we went to the Lviv chocolate Factory and talk about amazing. Like whoa. Pretty sure I got a cavity. 
Inadvertently we walked to St. Michaels. I can’t lie and say I was happy about it. That’s where the revolution is housing bodies from the revolution. Men in masks watched as we walked by. Being honest, I don’t think that the group would stand out as much if I weren’t with them. The moment the members of the revolution saw me, their heads turned. Nothing happened, but still. Either way, we should’ve went back the way we came instead of the other way, I was very uncomfortable being down that way. 

The night was chill. We went to a British Pub called “The British Bulldog.” The food was good. 

Kiev seems to be back to normal, per se. Everything was business as usual Friday and Saturday morning.

Saturday we got up and filmed more scenes for my movie. Then, our Ukranian guide Dasha came over and she brought us Kiev Cake. So damn amazing. It was like a flavorful burst of food in your mouth. We packed and headed to the airport. That was an adventure in itself.

As we arrived at the airport, there were protestors who wouldn’t let you pass without showing your passport. Thankfully we were in a car and showed it through the window. Also, I was filming on my camera so I have it all on tape. It was kind of surreal. The airport is small, at least the other one we flew into was bigger. This one was small for commercial flights.

Might I suggest, if you can avoid WIZZ air, avoid WIZZ Air. I’ll tell you why. Know how Southwest does their cattle call? Which is a little more organized. WIZZ Air does that, except you have to go through the gate, down to a bus, taxied over to a bus and then it’s a free for all. Oh man. It was a scene.

Then people are just dumb. People getting up during takeoff. One guy in my row got up like 5 times in the first 10 minutes of the flight. I mean, I wanted to beat him with my iPad. Then when we landed some dummy got up as the wheels hit the ground and was getting his jacket.  Customs wasn’t that bad, but again, another unorganized cluster of crap. 

I am happy to be in Barcelona. It’s a beautiful country. I am very fortunate because this time a year ago, I was in a job that I hated so much, and now in the last year I have been around the world. Literally. I have looked at the places I have been and since May last year, I have been on about 100,000 miles worth of trips.

One thing I really don’t like…highly opinionated people. Honestly, shut up. No one cares. Really. Your opinion is your own, doesn’t mean you have to share it with the world. 

It is beautiful here on Barcelona. We did a photoshoot with the cast today in Park Guell and saw some of the city. Loved it. 

The rain in Spain falls gently on the plain, so I hear,  I just hope I don't see any of that rain while we are here.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Ukraine from the inside Days 5 and 6

Hello All!

First off, thanks for all the concern. I can assure you all, we are safe. We appreciate the concern, but we are fine. The "leave now" comments, although helpful, won't do much for us. The flights we need really only leave two days per week and we missed the first one so we are leaving on schedule.

What has it been like the last two days? It's been fine for us. Business as usual. We've been out filming our TV show. We've been to the mall a countless amount of times. It's an unusual mall. Like 5 levels. The basement is a grocery store. We've really sat around and just enjoyed each others company. Also anyone that falls asleep early, we mess with them. So hard. 

I've even started giving nicknames. If I give you a nickname, there's a good chance that I actually like you.

Sidenote: We are traveling with Pebbles from the Flintstones movie. You should know how giddy this made me when I first found out.

One of the dancers Jonathan purchased not one, but two pairs of women dance pants. Although he didn't realize it. It was pretty hilarious. The girls at the counter, didn't speak English, but they were laughing their asses off at him. It was amazing.

We all cooked dinner at the house, which was great. And the best part, we all bonded over my favorite show, Friends. We watched Season 2. There was a truce here, so things have been relatively calm.

Thursday we all woke up and went outside and shot intros today. Showing different parts of the city. Then we learned the truce was over, so we headed back to our apartment and did rehearsal. We tried to go to the mall, but everything here is closed. So we hit the grocery store and headed back home.

On the way we saw cars loading tires, presumably to head to the square, which let me reiterate, is several miles away. 

The gas lines are really long as well. 

We have talked to the Embassy and we are fine. They know our location. We have one day left here before heading to the airport Saturday morning for Spain.

I am still shooting my movie here, the Assignment. Since we are doing multiple trips this year, we are doing multiple movies in different countries. This first one, I am the main spy in Ukraine, Spain, and Austria. I am enjoying being in front of the camera.

Overall, I am enjoying this experience. I can say that I am not scared or fearful. A year ago I sat in a job where I thought I would literally die of boredom, and now I'm living a life where I am traveling the world and experiencing new cultures and witnessing history. Yes, this is history. I am enjoying it. For those that speculate what the uprising is about, and I have seen a few, it's not about religion. It is about corruption.  Sadly so many people have died and or been injured, and I wish it could be solved peacefully. I pray for those on both sides to come to a peaceful resolution soon.

So know that we are safe. We are all sitting here ignoring each other and typing away on our computers and iPhones and trying to assure you all that we are safe. I am seriously enjoying myself. Also, I get iMessage on my wifi for those that have my number, it's just that sometimes it is spotty and it doesn't come through.

Thank you all for worrying about me, I appreciate it. I am safe, and away from danger and looking forward to many more adventures around the globe. Love your, and I just touched your butt in my mind.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Ukrazy here.

So the third day we went down to the revolution in Ukraine in Independence Square. Part of the show we are shooting. 

This is just the subway under it. Know that feeling of fear you get when you know danger is near. Like your butt puckers up a little. That's how I felt when we walked up the other side of the stairs. There is video. Of which I don't have now. 

Barricades. Tires. Benches. Everything. 

This is real life. I just happened to be in the Ukraine at a time of civil unrest. 

(Me and Brian down at the site)

Keep in mind, This is down the Main Street. Like the Times Square of Kiev. 

From there we went to St Michaels church where Chuck was dubbed an angel. 

We all went to this mall called Ocean Plaza. It's a nice huge mall in the middle of Kiev. Really odd considering the surrounding area looks really poor. 

From there. We found alcohol. 

All. Vodka. 

Tuesday. Was a day of awesomeness. And craziness. First. We got to film introductions for Ben and Stina for Uncommom Rhythm. Then we went off to film a wonderful dance company called Virsky. You should YouTube Hopak dancing Virsky. They are incredible. 

It's a government funded dance company. 

From there we went to a place for lunch:

I had potato pancakes 

Yum. So good. Then from there we were heading back to the subway so we could head to the apartment. Only we found out that civil unrest down in Indepdence Square had reached a boiling point. Protestors and riot police were at it again. The subway system shut down. It's the top story on most news outlets now. It is crazy. Thousands of people were walking the street. Lucky for us, carrying 60 pounds of gear, we walked back

Got to see their stadium. Which was nice. Also the streets were jammed with cars. The walk back? Nearly 5 miles with 60 pounds of gear. 

Tensions are high. Unfortunately people are dead. But we as a group, we are ok and safe. 

This has been one hell of a trip in only 4 of 21 days. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Ukraine in the Membrane

Travel Day 1 and 2

Friday I embarked on a trip with a group called Uncommon Rhythm. (Like their page) Leaving Phoenix, for Washington D.C. then Zurich Switzerland and finally landing in Kiev Ukraine.

First, Zurich has one of the most beautiful airports in the world. You can see the mountains from the thousands of windows that line the airport as you walk through. The train underneath, amazing. Even shot a scene for my spy movie I'm shooting while in Europe called "The Assignment." My first role where I write, direct and act. (Won't be a thing I continue).

Landing in Kiev, I was selected for a nice post screening. The cop came from like 4 doors down, gesturing and then asked me in the most broken English "You screen. How much money you have? Do you have any weapons."

Dude, I've been through security like 6 times, I just want to leave the airport since every one else in my group has left. But nope. He eyed my bags, put them through the x-ray machine twice and kept going.

I got to meet some cool people. I already knew Jonathan, and Brian (Shot the tent) but meeting Ben White, Stina Dallons Isaksen, and Lainey Silver. The ride from the airport was fun. I mean meeting new people and traveling in a country none of us had been to. Not much snow on the ground here, so I am glad I didn't pack a lot of clothes.

We checked into our Apartment. Apparently we are staying in what resembles a Cold War bunker.

We went out on the streets and there were a lot of street vendors. Everywhere. 

Selling a variety of things. From chicken to fish, cheese, coffee, antiques. Sadly this place is very third worldish. Poverty seems to run very high here. Which is terrible for a country as cold as this. 

The women though, they are beautiful. 

From there we met up with Dasha, our guide and went to:

Where we were served a ton of vodka. Needless to say, we were smashed. 

I did see another black guy!!

We had the native dish, salo. It's basically just fat. But it was really good. 

I had the borsch and chicken Kiev. Both were new to me, in this variation and they were amazing. 

I thought it was a baked potato at first. But when I cut Into it. It was just delicious. 

We were treated to live music as we continued our vodka fueled night. Buy it was just getting started. 

Dancers gotta dance and the 4
Dancers did just that. Went out and danced. First time I had a chance to witness them dance in person. I'm amazed really. Especially since I suck at dancing. But they rocked it. 

Finally we made it home. A day of travel. Food. Fun. Dancing. And planning for the next couple of days. 

One other thing, it's weird but besides one other black person it's really been me and lots of stares. I'm used to it. I like the weirdness. The people here are really nice and sweet. 

I wouldn't trade this experience for anything else right now.