Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dreams be Dreams

Hello All,

I hope you all had a wonderful/awesome week and weekend! I myself had a wonderful week and a great weekend! Today’s blog title is brought to you by Jack Johnson from the album On and On. Today’s blog might be a little in depth….so with that here goes….

C.S’ 10 Things I Think I Think

1. I came to the conclusion that it actually costs me money to be friends with some of my “so called” friends. Some of them actually cost me more money than it is seemingly worth to be friends with them…and for that…time for what has seemingly become my annual friend purge.

2. I HATE moving…yet it seems as if every year I am doing just that. I can’t wait to find that one spot that I can live in forever and not have to worry about moving
3. Excited for my annual Father/Son trip this year with my dad as this year it’s…Father/Son/Grandson trip. We are going to Washington D.C. to see the Cowboys v Redskins at RFK Stadium. Ought to be interesting and fun! Jordan already proclaims he wants to visit the White House, not sure that is going to happen around the holiday time…
4. I need to draw up a petition for the weekends to be longer. I mean, 2 days of a 7 day week is not nearly long enough. We should at least compromise and have 3 day weekends…every week. Just seems as soon as I am getting into the “Weekend” groove…it’s Monday.

5. Still haven’t gotten into the whole “Farmville” Craze…maybe someday…or
6. Superhero City…yet everyone swears by these two games….
7. Can’t believe it…but in just over 60 days…it will be Christmas…amazing how fast this year has flown by.

8. Lazy Co-workers should be taken out back and clubbed in the head…thrown over a cliff, or a plastic bag put over their head and blindly pushed into traffic….just saying.
9. Not sure how it happened, but I think that Television has overdone the “medical drama.” There are currently 11 medical dramas on network television right now…how do you spell O-V-E-R-K-I-L-L?
10. Is it the weekend yet?

Michael Real Moment – Not sure what it is lately….but I’ve been thinking more and more about life. I’m nearly 30, working in a job that I love (because it’s cake)…but hate (because it’s a stupid job with stupid people). I’m chasing a dream that I’ve had since I was 12, and I would say it’s nearly in reach….it’s just a matter of working harder and harder to get to that goal. But I’ve just been thinking a lot lately about life in general. I am happy for a wonderful/healthy son, my personal health after a year of hell, love (finally), and many other things…but it just seems as if there is something missing. What it is…I don’t know….I just know that we only live once and I am trying to find what my purpose in this life is and hopefully I find it…because as of now…this moment…this day…I truly don’t know what it is.

Eugene Sports thought of the Day – So far one of the most unpredictable NFL seasons in memory. I mean so many undefeated teams…surprise teams (Broncos/Titans/Saints), team that doesn’t look as if it belongs in the NFL (Titans…59-0 loss…really????) but it is really good so far. I enjoy watching the games on Sunday’s and even more so playing fantasy football. Although my picks have taken a nosedive this season with the unpredictable nature of the games. USC by the way is playing great….especially any time we beat that one school that claims to be good…Notre Dame…yes you….and the other USC is ranked and playing hard (That one is for you Eugene). So I hope the great seasons of both College and Pro Football continue.

Rob Z Thought of The Day – It’s that time of the year again…flu season. Yes it is a little more hyped up this year with the new strain identified as Swine Flu. It’s hitting closer to home as so many people are getting sick and sick and sick with it. I feel bad for the ones that have it, feel bad for the ones that are getting it and just caution you to wash your hands and all that hygienic stuff. It’s a crappy thing to have (the flu) so be careful…and if you think you have it…by all means stay home and take care of yourself…

Rick Moment – Being at Six Flags this past weekend was one of the best times I’ve had in quite some time. I enjoyed every minute of it with my girlfriend. We got to ride on many of the rides there (although the lines are a tad bit too long, the wait is nearly 2 hours for each ride) but in about 9 hours we got on about 10 rides. Being there did remind me of a lot of my childhood with my brothers and family. Coolest rollercoaster…the X2. The weakest rollercoaster that we rode…the Great Adventure…they took out the waterfall…which blows. Overall a great 5 plus mile walk around the park with tons of laughs and time well spent with my love…looking forward to many more weekends like that one...especially with her!!

Nag’s Happy Thought of the Day – Here’s my own personal happy thought….I love being a parent. Seriously, the joy my son brings to my life is unmatched by many things. I cherish the time I spend with him each week and I can’t imagine not being around him. This has been the best part about growing up is the experience of being a parent. I know that I am not the smartest person, but I try to instill good things in him, I try to teach him responsibility and humility and many other things that I think that kids need to learn. I often hope that I am teaching him the right things and not corrupting him too much. Just glad to have the opportunity to be a parent, it is a rewarding and fun filled challenge

Tracy Tad Bit O’Knowledge – In case you all didn’t know…this is national Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For all the women AND men that are survivors…God Bless each of you. To the others…time to self examine yourself and ensure everything is o.k. All it takes is a second to check and if you do that you could save yourself from having to discover it later…trust me…it is worth it to catch it early. So…in the spirit of the month…get to feelin’ the boobies!

Chad/Nathan Douchebag of the week – I have to give it to the guys in front of us at Six Flags…oh…my… GOD! I wanted to jam a pen in my ear just to keep myself from hearing their BORING stories. And one of them had the nerve to say “I am so funny.” Um…you are not. You are as funny as a plastic bag duct taped to my head while I try to breath. So with that…that group of people are the douchebags of the week. And yes…I actually used my “Filter” and didn’t say a word…damn that was really hard not to say anything….or give the fake laugh…

Nick Movie Reviews

Where the Wild Things Are – So I went to see this on Sunday night…and as a kid…loved the book…I mean I used to read it a couple of times a week. I even wanted to be Max. I wanted the suit (even tore up a cotton blanket and tried to make a Max suit). I wanted to be like Max. Heck my imagination was already on par with Max’s. The movie…how do you take a 48 page book (mostly pictures) and turn it into nearly a 2 hour movie? Well you add some dark elements, some scary moments and stuff that really wasn’t that suitable for children. I liked certain parts of the movie, really I did, but for the most part it wasn’t that great. 2 times this year something I have loved (now both G.I. Joe and Where the Wild Things Are) have been turned into a movie and both times have I walked away fairly disappointed. It is worth a watch, believe it or not. 3 stars....

Trashcan's Texts From Last Night/FmyLife (moments of the day) -

Text From Last Night

#1 - (917): well..after leaving the bar you handed me your wallet and said you didnt need it cause you were going to find the cash cab and added 'i'll see you on tv'

#2 - (914): I am stoned and watching Pocahontas. I am letting the kids eat whatever they want. I am the best babysitter in the whole wide world

#1 - Today, my house got robbed, while I was upstairs taking a dump. FML

#2 - Today, I was texting my boyfriend. I noticed that he had added a signature onto his texts that had the date 11/10/09. At first, I blushed and thought it was the date we had become a couple. But then I realized it was just the day the new Call of Duty game comes out. Love you too. FML

Reel Spitt Song of the Week – It’s just a great song Run This Town…I love Kanye (even though he has said and done some of the DUMBEST stuff on the planet) Rhianna is good…although she could’ve kept the long hair…and Jay-Z, because he is one of the best lyricists out there.

Hope you all enjoy the song as much as I do

Silas’ Random Facts

1. After eating too much food, your hearing becomes less sharp.
2. How much does it rain in a rain forest? Rain forests generally receive anywhere from 150 to 400 inches of rain annually
3. A women's heart beats faster than men.
4. Kansas City has more miles of boulevards than Paris and more fountains than any city except Rome
5. Los Angeles's full name is "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula.”
6. Missouri ties with Tennessee as the most neighborly state in the union, bordered by 8 states.
7. Japan has approximately 200 volcanoes and is home to 10% of the active volcanoes in the world
8. All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of a 5 dollar bill.
9. Missouri was named after a tribe called Missouri Indians; meaning "town of the large canoes"
10. 1975 The South American country of Suriname is granted independence from the Netherlands.
11. Chuck Norris Fact of the day – Chuck Norris bites the hand that feeds him and eats their entrails.
12. Bonus Chuck Norris Fact: Chuck Norris invented his own type of karate. It's called Chuck-Will-Kill.

Hulu Pick of the Day –Today’s show is one that actually airs on ABC and is a good show. I love Nathan Fillion (Firefly, Desperate Housewives, Dr. Horrible’s Singalong Blog). It’s a show called Castle about a writer that shadows a police officer for a character and along the way he helps solve crimes. A very good show, worth a watch. All 5 of Season 2’s episodes are uploaded.
Hulu Count: 1024 videos watched

133 videos in queue.

Dondi Joke of the Day

Two bored casino dealers are waiting at the craps table. A very attractive blonde woman from Alabama arrived ....and bet twenty-thousand dollars ($20,000) on a single roll of the dice.

She said, 'I hope you don't mind, but I feel much luckier when I play topless.'

With that, she stripped to the waist; rolled the dice; and yelled , 'Come on, baby.... Southern Girl needs new clothes!' As the dice came to a stop, she jumped up-and-down... and squealed... 'YES! YES! I WON! I WON!'

She hugged each of the dealers... and then picked up her winnings and her clothes, and quickly departed. The dealers stared at each other dumfounded. Finally, one of them asked, 'What did she roll?' The other answered, 'I don't know... I thought you were watching.

'Moral ---Not all Southerners are stupid.Not all blondes are dumb. But, all men..... are men.

Video Links – (powered by Break.Com ) This just proves I have too much time on my hands….

None today, won’t put any up.

Jordan Quote of the week
So when are you coming to pick me up?”
Yeah I got that call from Jordan about 20 times over a 2 day span as he stayed at his Grandmother’s house (my mom’s house) while I went to L.A. He doesn’t or hasn’t spent much time with her so it’s an adjustment…yeah that cell phone he has was on overtime…

V Spanish Word of the Day –Today’s word: 'estar harto de', noun: means to be fed up with

I think it’s appropriate...because that’s exactly how I feel about some of my “so called” friends....completely fed up with their crap.

Marcus’ Coming Attractions
Today – Well in the office. I am going to my mom’s house to do some “chores” for her and then probably going to do some writing or something later tonight.
Wednesday – Supposed to work at home, most likely coming into the office and will stay at home on Friday or something. Have rehearsals with some of the actors and definitely going grocery shopping.
Thursday – In the office…yay. Probably not much else planned after that.
Friday – Working at home. Time to start looking for a new place in the next couple of days and then purging half of the stuff out of my apartment. Writing and all that good stuff.
Saturday – Sleeping in…I hope. Never know what pops up.
Sunday - Football!!! I have to take Jordan to Dave and Busters as I promised him I would totally do that. So I have to live up to that. Hanging out at home and maybe a movie….will see.

The end - Of the blog is here! Hope you all have a wonderful/awesome/speedy/fantastic week! Thanks so much for reading, keep smiling…and God Bless!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Chasing Pavements

Hello All,

Wow…hadn’t realized it’s been nearly 2 months since I emptied my brain of thoughts…wow. 60 plus days of no blog. No wonder I got so many hateful comments!!! Today’s blog title is brought to you by Adele. A wonderful song that pretty much sums up life, love, and relationships.
So with that, I am going to get right to it…so here goes….

C.S’ 10 Things I Think I Think –

1. Wow...I guess I wasn’t playing. Last blog I said it would be my last for 6-8 weeks, I guess I was serious about that!!

2. Finished writing and casting out all of my Short Films. There are a total of 3

  • Thought Bubble – I have two people a boy and a girl that I will corrupt with my evil/vile thoughts. As some of my friends described it…I am going to hell…plain and simple. I start shooting this one in the next week and a half.
  • Sports and Relationships – This one is based on the notion of Relationships operating like Sports Contracts. Just wait…pretty interesting
  • Choose your own Adventure – Might be one of my favorites. Yes it’s based off of the books that some of us read as children.
3. Decided to write and shoot a Television Pilot for a contest that is coming up in January. I would say…if you like The Office or any of those other shows that are mockumentary style, you will really really like this one. I am casting this now and doing rewrites on the script.
4. J-J-J-Jordan turned 6 a month ago. He lost a tooth and he is getting bigger and bigger! I mean where does the time go…I am getting old...

5. Man the last time I wrote a blog, I was with my girlfriend for 2 months…now we’ve been together for 4 months and still having the time of my life. Love her to death!
6. Playing on 2 flag football teams. My Saturday team is organized dysfunction. We are 0-4 and we have only scored 1 touchdown in those 4 games. Although it is more physical than any other flag league, we just can’t play offense. My Monday team…love it! We are 2-1, barely lost the one game, played like champions in our 2 other games and hopefully we keep moving along…and having FUN!
7. Parents purchased a house to “Snow Bird” and they just got here yesterday. House is ginormous. They are about 20 miles away and in some ways after all that has happened this last year, it’s good to have them here.

8. My baby…my script about my little brother…is done. It is in the re-writes stages and even those are minor. It is truly, truly original and although it is funny, and adventurous…it has a turn at the end that I do not believe anyone will see coming. It starts the rounds of Agents/Agencies on Nov 1st. I am truly excited about it! Mainly because I haven't written anything this good or this personal...ever.
9. Still wondering about my job….I am not a fan of it. Don’t like it, don’t like some of my co-workers…I want to scream the minute I enter the building. If all goes to plan…and I pray to God that it does…in exactly 4 months from October 10th, I will walk into my boss’ office, look her in her face and say “I quit, You suck as a manager.” That…is not a joke.
10. I know that I have cherished most of my friendships and I try to be a good friend, but some of my so called “friends” are people that only call you when they need something. And if you cave in and give into their demands, well they go back into hibernation and only pop out when they need something. Those people…are not your friends. They are users…of course I had to learn that the hard way. Time to purge those people out of my life and be more selective of whom I select to be my friends.

Michael Real Moment – Just excited about life. No joke. The next couple of months are exciting. Between football games, hanging more with my family, filming shorts and other things, I have my hands full. Plus going to be moving, which in itself is exciting! Plus…if all goes to plan, which I pray to God that it does, I will be able to complete #9 above…and maybe add some other stuff to it…mainly her desk. Going to Six Flags next weekend…and probably going to drink like a fish that night. Going to do a little bit of traveling at the end of year and need to start planning that. Father /Son/Grandson trip to D.C. to see the Redskins vs Cowboys. Plus…hanging out with real authentic friends and spending time with my girlfriend, will make the rest of this year a smashing success...in spite of all of the other things that have happened....

Eugene Sports thought of the Day – two Words. Ryan Jones...aka...Trashcan. We play on the same flag football team on Saturday’s and Monday’s. Last Monday…he had the funniest/awesome touchdown run I have ever seen. The opposing team was so confused as to who had the ball that he virtually ran into the endzone untouched. Simply amazing. Eugene earlier this week channeled his inner Peyton Manning (minus the mobility and cannon like arm) and tossed 6 td passes in two games….Note, he has 10 TD’s in two games and no Interceptions. Amazing.

Rob Z Thought of The Day – As I stated on one of my Facebook Statuses recently…I wish people would live up to what they say. Talk is cheap, actions speak louder than words. I can not stand the people that say they will do things and then do not follow through. They make excuses after excuses and then they still DO NOT follow through. Of course…me not caring anymore, I call people out and hold them accountable for the things they say they are going to do. So…if you do not want to be called out, don’t say you are going to do something and then don’t follow through.

Rick Moment – Epic…fail…as in epic…fall. Yesterday while helping my parents move…I epic failed. Badly. I mean…I was carrying boxes off of the u-haul….missed the ramp and fell over…completely sprawled out on the concrete. I thought I broke my body (note: I didn’t say any one part of my body, I meant…my entire body). Thankfully no one is ever around to witness said events, and furthers my theory that I should ALWAYS have a camera crew around to catch my little moments of Ratardness.

Nag’s Happy Thought of the Day – Mothaf’ing FRIDAY! Best day of the week! I mean admit it…today you will clock watch, “pretend to work,” pray that the clock speeds up, might leave a few minutes early, have that “I am glad the week is over” drink. Hell…before you get to that point, I will have the drink*…RIGHT NOW for you!
*Note: Tequila and I have been places and although it remembers those nights vividly...I normally do not.

Tracy Tad Bit O’Knowledge – Here’s some knowledge for you….When the HELL did automakers decide to STOP putting blinkers on cars? I didn’t know that was an added cost that they try to sell you at the end. Oh wait…is my information wrong? That is not correct? Oh they come standard on every vehicle since 1950? Oh it’s just that so many people decide to NOT use them anymore. To the asswipes that do not use their blinkers, I hate you. Put your damn phone down, lift that chubby left hand of yours and push the little lever UP OR DOWN. It’s not rocket science people.

Chad/Nathan Douchebag of the week – This week’s douchebags belongs to Cougars. Yes you Cougars. You know who you are. I do not appreciate the following:
  1. Pointing at me
  2. Ass Grabbing
  3. Hitting on me…you are as old as my parents

I do not roll that way and by that way, I mean roll with you. Do not ask for my number, do not try to follow me, do not try to hold a conversation* I will run knowing you are a little too old to follow.

*Note: said conversation can only be about what type of medication is best for achy joints.
That is all.* Cougars you have been warned. I am in a committed relationship of which I enjoy immensely.

*Note 2: This hasn’t happened in about 2 months, but still has happened.

Trashcan's Texts From Last Night/FmyLife (moments of the day) -

Text From Last Night

#1 - (781): I was just told by a cop that my party was the most epic party they ever crashed

#2 - (913): Come in. Grab a controller and a beer. We've got some Madden to beat.
(1-913): You're the best girlfriend ever.

#1 - Today, I received my passport in the mail. They got my birthdate wrong. Then I picked up my birth certificate that I had sent in with the application. Turns out my parents have been celebrating my birthday on the wrong day for 16 years. FML

#2 - Today, this really attractive woman that I've known for years told me that when I can have sex with her standing up, she'll have sex with me. I'm confined to a wheelchair. FML

Reel Spitt Song of the Week – I just feel that I am living this song sometime…Good Ol’ Fashion Nightmare by Matt and Kim. It’s been featured on one of the funniest shows to hit television in a while…Community. Give it a watch, the song is catchy. Plus I know Reel Spitt is currently living this exact thing…

Silas’ Random Facts

1. All U.S. Presidents have worn glasses, some of them just didn't like to be seen with them in public.
2. How deep is a fathom? A fathom is six feet (1.83m), used mainly in the measurement of marine depths
3. In a day, kids in the U.S. that are between the ages of 2 - 8 spend 28 minutes of their time coloring.
4. The coldest outdoor temperature ever recorded on earth was 127 below zero in Antarctica on August 24, 1960.
5. What is a blue moon? When their are two full moons in one month, the second one is called a "blue" moon
6. The oldest documented footwear found was a 8,000 year-old sandal found in a cave located in Missouri, USA.
7. There are two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: "abstemious" and "facetious.”
8. If you are an average American, in your whole life, you will spend an average of 6 months waiting at red lights.
9. There are only four words in the English language which end in "dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.
10. A red London bus can be seen in the background of one of the battle scenes from the Arthurian legend film, 'Excalibur.'
11. Chuck Norris Fact of the day – Chuck Norris can MAKE water run uphill
12. Bonus Chuck Norris Fact: The only reason the color pink still exists is because Chuck Norris is color blind

Hulu Pick of the Day –So…um…I have an addiction to Hulu. It’s like what some guys do with their porn obsession you see when I last blogged 2 months ago…I had watched exactly 537 videos. In the 60 days following that…those numbers have increased from 537…to 952 as of Yesterday with count 17 videos watched…so a grand total of 969. And no these aren’t short videos…these are half hour to hour long videos. So I may need to go to HULU rehab…I have a problem. So today’s show…is a new one…It’s Community. Pretty damn funny show.
Hulu Count: 969 videos watched
132 videos in queue.

Dondi Joke of the Day – Best. Story. Ever.

Mexican Lion

This is the true story of a Garage Owner in the Southwest. ( New Mexico ) He was sick and tired of thugs breaking into his garage shop to steal tools, etc. So he came up with this idea. He put the word out that he had a new Mexican Lion that would attack anyone that would break in or climb his fence. Would-be thieves saw the "Lion" from a distance and fled the scene.

Video Links – (powered by Break.Com ) This just proves I have too much time on my hands….

None today, won’t put any links up...next blog maybe

Jordan Quote of the week
So Jordan saw a man run a red light a few days ago…and after seeing it he said:

Jordan: That man should be arrested
Me: Cops won’t arrest him for running a red light
Jordan: True…can’t arrest stupid.
Freaking Love that kid…

V Spanish Word of the Day –Today’s word: helados, noun: ice
I had to use that word today in my argument about the “Mexican” version of Vanilla Ice or El Vainilla Helados.

I know the couch i will be sleeping on tonight...lmao

Marcus’ Coming Attractions
Today – Well I answered one e-mail at work and that’s it. I blogged today so for each of you that have been bugging me to blog…this one’s for you. Today I am not sure what it holds. Bank, post office, house cleaning…stuff like that. Going out tonight with my girlfriend. Blame it on the Al-Al-Al-Alcohol…
Saturday –Football game in the afternoon and before that I have one audition to hold. Nothing else planned…Lazy Saturday?
Sunday – Jordan is getting baptized on Sunday. Fun! Going to a BBQ at my parents house I think. Taking a comedy class Sunday night.
Monday – In the office, switching it up and going in next week. Rehearsal for my “Thought Bubble” Short and also Flag Football games! WHOOOOOOOOO!
Tuesday - In the office I think.

The end - Of the blog is here! Sorry it’s been awhile! I have tried to blog but my brain has been clogged with scripts, love and other crazy stuff! So I am going to try and blog regularly again…no promises, but it won’t be 6 weeks in between blogs. Thank you so much for reading. Have a great/safe/awesome/fantastically magical/spectacular weekend! Keep smiling and God Bless