Monday, July 27, 2009

I Found My Smile Again

Hello All,

Hi all, I hope that each of you had a wonderful weekend! I hope that this week goes by swiftly so we can again get to the weekend! I had a great weekend! But I am at home working today, hanging with Jordan and not doing much else. Today’s blog title is brought to you by D’Angelo from the 1996 Space Jam Soundtrack! Speaking of D’Angelo…that guy fell off the face of the planet…Anyway, I will jump right into the blog!

Erika’s 10 Things I Think I Think

1. I think Baseball has gone downhill in the last few years. I have gone to about 4 different stadiums this year (Diamondbacks, Angels, Dodgers, and Giants) and only ONE game has been a sellout (opening day Rockies Vs. Diamondbacks). It is sad to look up in the stands and see so many empty seats. Baseball just isn’t what it used to be.
2. Nothing says “AWESOME DAY” like a 3rd degree burn from getting into your car. They need auto command starts here (standard) on all cars purchased.
3. Not sure that I have ever looked more forward to a trip to Vegas than I am this weekend. Might be the most anticipated trip ever. I can not lie…it will be epic. I am fully expecting awesome things to happen. So my status updates may be drunkenly funny or stupidly hilarious. Either way…expect awesomeoness.

4. 2- that’s the number of Strip Clubs I have been to in my life. I went on Saturday Night and I surprisingly had a good time. I did not get a dance or anything, but it was funny to see them interacting with the other people. My girlfriend was there and we had a great time with her cousin, his wife, and their friends. Haven’t had that much fun in quite some time…and we drank a lot. I mean…a lot.
5. Never seen anyone “make it rain” until the other night.
6. Was present at a “high school” party on Friday night (although I didn’t stay) I felt dirty being around those kids. I really hope that I wasn’t that stupid as a kid when I drank. Heaven help our youth, as the stupidity rate of our country seems to be going up….

7. Remind me NEVER to go into the office on a Monday again. I was so bored that I decided to update my status every hour. Longest…work…day…ever.
8. I wish I didn’t get so bored, so easily. Life would be more interesting if I didn’t. I need a life changing moment to occur…and soon.
9. I need to get to a beach…I am in sudden need to use my snorkeling equipment and go on a mini adventure or something. A beach is always refreshing, and the smell of the ocean air…amazing. Nothing like it.

10. Not sure if it’s possible…but each day that passes…I fall deeper and deeper into love with my girlfriend. She is the best/coolest/awesomest/greatest girlfriend I have ever had in my life! Each day is better than the next, and I am grateful for what has happened and what will happen in the future…

Rachael Real Moment – So I have my moments still where I get pretty emotional when I think of the events of 2009. Been a long ass year. I am often reminded of the sad events from the movie being a complete and utter failure, to my brother’s death, to losing lifelong friends to stupid little tiffs. The one that gets me more is my brother obviously. Highs and lows with that. I see death differently now, question things about it, sometimes I even question why cause for some UnGodly reason, I just don’t understand. So from time to time, if you hang out with me, I may seem quiet(er) anda little bit more emotional….and sometimes the little things may make tears swear up in my eyes. By all means…just ignore it. I will be fine after a few seconds. Although there are still no answers to any of the events that played out that day, I guess in time I will come to accept the events of that day.

Eugene Sports thought of the Day – Last night we played 3 games, and the term...”we played like dogsh-t” does a major disservice to dogsh-t. We stunk up the joint and we deserved to get our asses kicked. Instead of going into the playoffs (next week) on a high, we are pretty low. Opposed to how our other seasons have played out (usually a winning record) we now are 3-5 and staring up at everyone else. We have dug a big hole and need to play good next week and advance in the playoffs…but that will only be accomplished by everyone being focused and determined . We all but need one singular goal and that is to play to the best of our ability. So we will see…going to be an interesting Monday next week. We need a Hail Mary…

Pete Thought of The Day – Seems that it has come time for me to consider changing the “names” on the titles of the blog. With the exception of maybe 4 or 5 sections, the blog names will be changing next week. Haven’t decided which names I will be changing them to, and if I can’t come up with different people’s names to add to them, I will just leave them blank until I figure it out. So to the friends that I have initially added as names to these individual sections, know that you do mean a lot to me, but it’s time for a change.

Mindy Moment – I am grateful for the mind that I was blessed with. Really I am. What started out as a thought, has turned into a short film. Of which now there will most likely be three or maybe one long one. For those that contributed and added valuable input….you guys took a seed and turned it into a tree. I couldn’t stop laughing at the text messages and comments on my Facebook status. So stay tuned, I wrote it last night and now am tweaking it a bit. Might be the funniest/creative thing I have come up with. Stay tuned.

Julie Happy Thought of the Day – I didn’t realize this but…July is virtually over. Not that it’s something to really celebrate, but this year is flying by fast. Very fast. Who would have thought that it would be August and that school would be starting for Jordan (He is excited). So…it’s almost over…summer (and the hotness that comes with it) so we in Arizona are happy because those 115 degree days…they are a freaking killer. Guess I better start planning Jordan’s birthday…it will be here before I know it.

Tracy Tad Bit O’Knowledge – As I stated many of times, I wish Common Sense was as Common as breathing. However…we do live in a society where it is not so common…matter of fact…it is rare. I only can draw from my experiences and what I have learned and from what I have seen. But I do know that it ANNOYS the HELL out of me that people get on my nerves because of their stupidity. I wish there was a place we could send people that didn’t have the sense that I know most of my friends have….and I did say most…I do admit that some do not possess…

Misty Movie Reviews
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince – I like so many others…is a big fan of Harry Potter, the books and the movies (The merchandise…not so much). My favorites are the Goblet of Fire and the Chamber of Secrets. This one…was a very good book. One in which the movie was supposed to come out last November but they moved it back to July. I enjoyed the movie…tremendously. It was a perfect setup to the final movies that are coming out starting next year. This book/movies follows Harry Potter through his Potions class and through his 6th year of Wizardry School. Probably the most “grown up” of the Harry Potter books. The story drags on a little, with a little bit of action sprinkled in here and there. Definitely worth a watch if you are a fan of the books. I give it 4 stars.

Trashcan's Texts From Last Night/FmyLife (moments of the day) -

Text From Last Night

#1 - (732): They say Rihanna has been dating several Mets players. They go on to say that she feels safe with them because they can't beat anybody.
#2 - (918): I now officially know the distance between my two boobs is one twizzler.


#1 - Today, my girlfriend dumped me proclaiming she wanted someone more like her "Edward". I asked her who Edward was. She held up a copy her "Twilight" book. She was talking about a fictional vampire. FML
#2 - Today, on the 6 train home, I had a gun placed against the back of my head and my wallet, watch, and iPod stolen. As soon as the robber got what he wanted, he turned and ran, dropping his weapon to the ground... I got mugged by a man wielding a fucking Pez dispenser. FML

JJ Song of the Week – Today’s song is one of my favorite rock songs…one of which was immortalized on Guitar Hero…and sung by The Killers. It’s called When you Were Young. Matter of fact, it was the first song I got a “perfect” on while playing Guitar Hero. It has a catchy beat, a sweet rift, and the words to the song are pretty neat. Haven’t heard it before? Click the name of the song for the YouTube Video.

Mary Random Facts
1. The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing.
2. The record for the most couples kissing at once is 1600.
3. A lightning bolt reaches about 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
4. In developing nations, 80% of diseases are water related.
5. Kilts are not native to Scotland. They originated in France.
6. No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.
7. From space, the brightest man-made place is Las Vegas, Nevada.
8. In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.
9. There's no Betty Rubble in the Flintstones Chewables Vitamins.
10. The number or word "One" appears 16 times on a U.S. dollar bill
11. Chuck Norris Fact of the day – Chuck Norris is a stunt double for Optimus Prime
12. Bonus Chuck Norris Fact: Chuck Norris’ IQ can be expressed simply as a sideways eight

Hulu Pick of the Day – Oh C’Mon, everyone that had eyeballs back in the 90’s knew about this Show. Sliders! Who didn’t watch it or catch a glimpse of any part of the show. Yes the fat kid from Stand by Me (Jerry O’Connell) is the main character. It’s such a lovable show. Thanks to my favorite site…Hulu all of the episodes (Except season 1 episode 7) are available.

Best Site ever...

Hulu Count: 488 Videos Watched since January 15th
54 videos in my queue

Heather Joke of the Day - A New Car?!
A sixteen year-old boy came home with a new Chevrolet Avalanche and his parents began to yell and scream, 'Where did you get that truck???!!!' He calmly told them, 'I bought it today.'

With what money?' demanded his parents. They knew what a Chevrolet Avalanche cost.

'Well,' said the boy, 'this one cost me just fifteen dollars.' So the parents began to yell even louder. 'Who would sell a truck like that for fifteen dollars?' they asked.

'It was the lady up the street,' said the boy. I don't know her name - they just moved in. She saw me ride past on my bike and asked me if I wanted to buy a Chevrolet Avalanche for fifteen dollars.'

'Oh my Goodness!,' moaned the mother, 'she must be a child abuser. Who knows what she will do next? John, you go right up there and see what's going on.' So the boy's father walked up the street to the house where the lady lived and found her out in the yard calmly planting petunias!

He introduced himself as the father of the boy to whom she had sold a new Chevrolet Avalanche for fifteen dollars and demanded to know why she did it.'Well,' she said, 'this morning I got a phone call from my husband. (I thought he was on a business trip, but learned from a friend he had run off to Hawaii with his mistress and really doesn't intend to come back).

He claimed he was stranded and needed cash, and asked me to sell his new Chevrolet Avalanche and send him the money. "So I did.''

Video Links – (powered by Break.Com and Youtube.Com and Hulu.Com) Further proof that I have way too much time on my hands….

The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien: Zach Galifianakis, Part 1 (6:28) Hulu
The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien: Zach Galifianakis, Part 2 (4:55) Hulu
Zoolander quotes (4:27) Youtube
Remember the Titans Inspirational... (3:15) Youtube
Tweet Boxx Episode 6 (2:57) Break
Pageant Host Makes Big Entrance (:35) Break

Jordan Quote of the week – I love how children can be so…what’s the word…Honest.
Last night Jordan came up to me and was like:

"I smelled THE worst breath in the history of histories. How does someone NOT know that their breath stinks…especially since their mouth is right under their nose…"

And he was right…and hilarious in the same sentence.

V Spanish Word of the Day –Today’s word: rabioso

rabioso – It’s Spanish for Furious. As in sometimes the people in my office make me rabioso and I wish it weren’t against the law to beat them senseless.

I know a few people that are rabioso...

*note: Last week's word was misspelled, it should have been TOPE, but leave it to the Chicana to give me the WRONG word...

Coming Attractions

Today – I am at home working. Jordan is here somewhere and I am trying to wrap stuff up so I can have an early day. This afternoon, probably nothing, take Jordan swimming and clean up the house. Fun day indeed. Writing and working on some video work.
Wednesday – No plans really. At home working. Jordan will be at home with me and I will probably hang with him. Writing for sure.
Thursday – In my boring office. Probably the last time this week. Prepping for Friday for sure. Friday – Not sure if I am working in the office, at home, or taking the day off. Will be heading to Vegas with V and her merry band of friends to celebrate her birthday. Most likely will not be blogging and will have an epic blog on Tuesday.
Saturday – If the words “recovering from epic hangover, OR don’t know where I am at, OR slept in hotel lobby, OR woke up next to a dumpster, OR I know what a night in jail is like, OR I won a million dollars (Please God, this one would be the best) ” appear on my Facebook status…then Friday night will be a success. This weekend will be wild. We are going to Club Tryst this evening to celebrate V’s Birthday.
Sunday – Same as Saturday. We drive home today and will most likely involve sunglasses and plenty of water.
Monday – Football games!! Whoooooo, working from Home! Jordan’s first day of 1st Grade…wait…I have a 1st grader!!!

The end - Of the blog is here! I hope that your week goes by quickly and that it is great and that it treats you all wonderfully! I hope that you all have a safe and wonderful week and a great/awesome weekend!.…Thank you so much for reading…keep smiling…God Bless…I love you…

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Falling Awake

Hello All,
Hi all, I hope that each of you had a wonderful work week (um…did I say that?) and that today goes by swiftly so we can get to the best part of the week…the end! I had a so/so week. But I am at home working today, hanging with Jordan and then going to a baseball game…so my day is looking up! Today’s blog title is brought to you by Gary Jules (it was featured on Grey’s Anatomy’s for all of you as sometimes I truly feel like I am falling awake…so with that I will jump into it…

Erika’s 10 Things I Think I Think – The Office Version….my annoyances…and they are long overdue…

1. I miss the old security guard that used to have mini “chat” which were sometime convenient and a great way to kill an hour, or sometimes inconvenient depending on the morning. However…I will not pretend…if something was to ever go down…I am not confident that a flashlight, and half a can of mace would save anyone in our office…

2.To the supervisor that doesn’t do any form of work…stop hovering over everyone’s desk and go to your desk where the dust and the papers have built up from a lack of work. Also, it is not cool to “use” my desk when I am not in the office. Take the time to walk an additional 35 feet to your unkempt workspace.
3. To the girl with the ANNOYING laugh…I thank GOD everyday for this awesome invention called an IPOD. I don’t know if I am caught in between the Twilight Zone or an Episode of Hee Haw…
4. To the guy who clips his fingernails IN the office daily…how long do your nails get at night? Are you some form of a badger or wolverine? Do your nails regenerate each night? Are you a mutant and is that your power? (Note if that is your power…pretty weak). Either way…the clipping ANNOYS the hell out of me, I want to punch you with each clip.

5. To the girl who openly complains about needing to lose weight (loudly I might add) only to go to McDonald’s, Wendy’s and other fast food places for both breakfast and lunch…I am calling in S.W.A.T. to tell you “Put the food down and back away slowly.”
6. To the guy with the Ted Kaczinsky type beard…I am scared of you…I will not make fun of you…just do me a favor…do not unibomb my desk…
7. To the people I say “Good Morning” to everyday and I get no response…well…”F” you …

8. To the person that stole my lunch that time…I hope everytime you eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich it tastes like poop from this moment forward…
9. To the office janitor…would it KILL you to put my trashcan back in the spot where it goes? I mean you put the damn trashcan in new and interesting places everyday…wow for you. I hope one day I am there to witness this…or better yet I will put a note in several different languages where the trash can should go…
10. To the guy who has pit stains so bad that it makes me wonder if you dumped a bucket of water under each arm…I do believe they make a deodorant for that…and plus the smell…can be smelled nearly two cubicles away. It disgusts me…and I die a little bit each time you enter my cubicle unannounced…

Rachael Real Moment – Today for the first time in nearly 7 years…I will have a roommate. I am actually scared about that. You see I have some weird tendencies. I have insomnia, so sometimes I get up at night and I wonder the house. I tend to have loud singing sessions (even though I am terrible), I will sit in my living room and watch a movie…loudly. I like many other Americans…tend to roam the house in the buff. I have random dance parties when I think no one is watching (note…Jordan either watches and thinks I am weird…or joins in). So yeah I think that is it. Just a little weirded out by having a roommate after so long of not having one. Going to be interesting…stay tuned folks…

Eugene Sports thought of the Day – The “video” of LeBron getting dunked on has surfaced. And the video in question is grainy and you can’t really tell who it is. Although that did not stop my friend JJ from saying…and I quote: “Just saw the LeBron's more insulting than any sex tape that has leaked for any celebrity....” I think the tape is terrible. It looks as if it was recorded from a cellphone…wait the first one was? However if no “markings” were on there...and you were under oath…you wouldn’t know WHO was the one getting dunked on. Either way, it’s not really news worthy that an NBA player got dunked on…wasn’t the first time, won’t be the last time. Next time LeBron…man up and let the real tape out so we don’t have to be subjected to those cell phone, home video full court shots.

Pete Thought of The Day – I am pretty sad that I will not make it up to Fairbanks this weekend. It’s not often that I get to go home, but this weekend I was supposed to hang with a few friends I don’t get to see often…or ever. So please forgive me my Fairbanks friends…I wish I could make it home. This heat is unbearable…and the cool weather of Fairbanks is what I need this time of the year!

Mindy Moment – I may need to put a filter on my mouth at times. I have a knack for asking or saying things that probably shouldn’t be said. Case in point…yesterday at Wal-Mart…Jordan and I were shopping (speaking of…we spent nearly $120 in groceries…yeah we don’t ever do that) and we were walking by the fabric section. We were on the next aisle and I heard the daughter say:

“I need 9 inches of fabric”

And the mother comes back and says “What are you going to do with 9 inches”
And I blurted out…“That’s what she said.”

Yeah…filter…I need one.

Julie Happy Thought of the Day – We get to play 3 games of flag football in a row on Monday. I am pretty excited about that. And by excited I mean maybe I am already suffering from heat stroke. But I don’t like to “run” (even though I ran track) but I do like to play football. It is supposed to be 112 on Monday and we play games at 6:30, 7:10, and 7:50…I know that Tuesday I will be dead to the world so my blog next Tuesday may be dragging a little…fyi.

Tracy Tad Bit O’Knowledge – My father…is an amazingly well connected guy. Not like Mafia Eugene’s family type connected, but he is connected to several private security firms by having worked for the Braves, Falcons, Hawks, Yellow Jackets, and Bulldogs. He gets several awesome tickets yearly, trips to the locker room (note: We are going to the locker room of both the Cowboys and Redskins prior to the Cowboys/Redskins game in D.C. on Dec 29.), club access (he got us V.I.P. into Tryst), and many other things. I do love my father a lot. He trips me out that he seems so ordinary…but yet has so many connections. It is quite cool…

Misty Movie Reviews – NONE…Sorry. Didn’t see any movies this week.

Trashcan's Texts From Last Night/FmyLife (moments of the day) -

Text From Last Night

(204): this is the second time this summer that a girl has called me a ken doll(1-204): you shouldn't let them see you without your pants on


Today, while working at McDonald's a car full of obnoxious teens came through. They had made a $30 order, and handed me a tin of small change, claiming that on a McDonald's ad they saw that we, employees, liked counting change. I had to count out $30 in spare change during a rush period at work. FML

JJ Song of the Week – Today’s song is by one of my favorite artists, and one of my close personal friends. In fact…I am doing a music video for this song. His name is Reel Spitt (A.K.A. Joel Gibbs) and the song is called “I’m in Love with Hip Hop.”(#2 on the list, click on it).

Believe me when I say…this guy has talent. I love him dearly….

Mary Random Facts – Giving you brain fact at a time...

1. Ferdinand Porsche, who later went on to build sports cars bearing his own name, designed the original 1936 Volkswagen.
2. America once had a five cent bill.
3. A dime has 118 ridges around its edge.
4. A quarter has 119 grooves around the edge.
5. Greece's national anthem has 158 verses
6. The pound sign (#) is called an anoctothorpe.
7. Barbie's full name is "Barbara Millicent Roberts"
8. In France the Big Dipper is called the "casserole.”
9. Most of the heat lost by Earth is through volcanoes.
10. The Minneapolis phone book has 21 pages of Andersons
11. Chuck Norris Fact of the day – According to the Encyclopedia Brittanica, the Native American "Trail of Tears" has been redefined as anywhere that Chuck Norris walks.
12. Bonus Chuck Norris Fact: Chuck Norris uses pepper spray to spice up his steaks.

Hulu Pick of the Day – Is this show called Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip…absolutely one of my FAVORITE shows ever. It was cancelled after one season…but it is a well written show by Aaron Sorkin. It is worth a watch…believe me. I am in the midst of watching the season again courtesy of Hulu. Have I mentioned lately how much I love this site.

As of today i have watched 460 shows on there (Full length movies, 1/2 hour t.v. shows or 1 hour t.v. shows)...I have no life...

Heather Joke of the Day
On Mr. Smith's 89th birthday, he received a gift certificate from a friend.The certificate paid for a visit to a medicine man living on a nearby IndianReservation in Florida . It was rumored that he had a wonderful cure forerectile dysfunction.

After being persuaded, he drove to the reservation, handed his ticket to the medicine man and wondered what would happen next.
The old man slowly, methodically produced a potion, handed it to him, andwith a grip on his shoulder, warned, "This is powerful medicine and it mustbe respected. You take only a teaspoonful and then say 1-2-3.

When you do that, you will become more manly than you have ever beenin your life and you can perform as long as you want."
Smith was encouraged. As he walked away, he turned and asked, "How do I stop the medicine from working?"

The medicine man replied, "Your partner must say 1-2-3-4, but when she does,the medicine will not work again until the next full moon."
Smith was very eager to see if it worked so he went home, dancing aroundgiggling like a 15-year old, showered, shaved, took a spoonful of themedicine, and then invited his wife to join him in the bedroom. When shecame in, he took off his clothes and said, " 1-2-3!"

Amazing - Immediately, he was the manliest of men. His wife was all excitedand began throwing off her clothes. And then she asked, “What was the 1-2-3 for?" And that ... Boys and girls ... Is why we should never end our sentences with a preposition!


Jordan Quote of the week – Jordan has this new thing that he does…and it is my fault. So the Dark Knight…Heath Ledger to be exact…so you get it. He comes up behind me with keys, sticks and other items that could be a pretend knife and says…

“Let’s put a smile on that face.”

Wow. I might be raising a tyrant…or a future awesome comedian. (i would prefer the latter)

Also here is a quote of the week: It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.

V Spanish Word of the Day –Today’s word: Taupe
Taupe – It’s Spanish for Headbutt. As in…If Jordan keeps pissing me off this morning I am going to tope him in the forehead…hopefully knocking him out until the afternoon baseball game.
Mission accomplished.

Coming Attractions
Today – I am at home working. If you know me…I haven’t done one ounce of work. That is one as in the first number of the numerical system. I have managed to: Beat up Jordan, Go take care of some business, punch JJ in the nostril (yes just one) and do this blog. Also going to a D-Backs game this afternoon…fun stuff.
Saturday – No plans. Writing, working on some video work and going to some event at Kiwanis Park. Exciting.
Sunday – As boring as Saturday. Nothing planned. Writing for sure…that sums up the day.
Monday – At home working (maybe, haven’t decided yet.) And then we have 3 games in a row…whoooo.
Tuesday – In the office or at home…it’s a freaking coin flip right now. Blogging I think….

The end - Of the blog is here! I am glad my weekend is here…although it did start on Wednesday and currently does not end until next Tuesday. I hope that you all have a safe and wonderful weekend!.…Thank you so much for reading…keep smiling…God Bless…I love you…